Chapter 51

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Bella walked up to Yugi with a grin. "Two couples engaged. Now if only Harry and Ginny were old enough....oh wait" She trailed off smirking. 

"You know arranging your brother's engagement is one thing. they were already engaged...But Harry and Ginny?" Yugi asked. 

"Hey its normal here. They do it to combined families for more power. Arthur would be thrilled to marry her off to Harry. He is a great kid" Bella explained as they walked over to a table and sat down. 

Out of no where fred and George pops up. 

"Someone ordered" 

"A Fire whiskey special?"  

Bella blinked as she stared up at them. "Hand it over and no one gets hurt" she says threateningly. 

Fred hands over the botte. 

Bella takes it and opens the bottle before taking a large chug. 

"just be careful" Yugi says with a sigh. 

Bella grinned as she looked over at him. "you my have not seen the other side of me. Let me tell you...that is a whole new world." She says with a laugh as she lets Christine take over. 

Christine stared at him confused. "wha...?" she looked around not knowing what was happening. 

"oh..." Yugi lets out Atem quickly. 

"Christine?" Atem questioned looking at her worriedly. 

"ph-pharaoh?" Christine asked as she looked over at him. "what's going on?" she asked. Atem could see how scared she was as she looked around. 

*this must be the real Christine* Atem thought to him self. He stood up. "come on" he says holding out his hand for her. Hesitantly she took it while standing up and followed him out of the great hall. 

"where are we going? Where are we?" Christine asked. 

"Ill Explain everything in a moment" Atem says reassuringly. "just away from prying ears" he explained. 

Christine falls silent as she followed him. They walked into the closest class room and Atem shut the door behind them. 

Christine looked down at the floor as he turned and faced her. 

Atem sighed a little. "alright. What do you remember?" He asked. 

"I..." Christine looked nervous. She was afraid to speak. "I...remember....hearing you...talking to me" She says shakily. 

"about?" Atem asked nodding his head. 

"I...I don't...I just heard...your voice...I was really dark" Christine explained. "but then it got brighter. and...I heard...and then i was gone...and we were in a...a house with a bunch of people" 

Atem felt him self relaxing a little. 

"But then i went back to the darkness again" Christine says as she looked as though she was about to have a panic attack. "it was dark, I couldn't...i couldn't see" 

Atem grabbed hold of her hand causing her to jump a little and look up at him in surprise. "I know, I know that it is really dark right now. But we can make it brighter. When i was in there...there was a light. you can make it brighter" he explained. 

"how?" Christine asked trembling. 

"with time." Atem says with a sigh. "Your fears still control you." He explained as he sat down with a sigh. He glanced around. "as for where this place is...It is a school" he says. "You learn all sorts of things here" He says as he looked back over at Christine. "we are helping them with a problem" He explained. 

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