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Yugi and Atem were beside them selves. Literally. They stood next to each other as Tom shattered everything in his office. Melino had to duck as a book went flying over her head nearly hitting her. Her eyes were red from crying. she had streaks of eyeliner and mascara running down her face from the tears. 

They had just told her what had happened. She had dropped down into the closest chair before she had fallen to the ground. Flashes of the past assulted her mind as they plaid over and over again.  

"Tom breaking everything is not going to help her!" Minerva said exasperatedly.

"This is my fault!" Tom snapped distraught. "If I hadn't of made her work with the shadows this wouldn't have happened! I should have killed him when I had the chance!" He growled.

"Worrying about that now isn't going to solve anything. Where would Bella go now?" Minerva asked.

"Its Zorc. Not Bella" Bakura said pacing back and forth in the trashed office. Melino looked over at him. His pacing only made her more anxious. Anger had finally set in as she fed off of the others anger. 

"Her main goal was to destroy Egypt. Most of all the pharaoh. She fed off of Christine's anger and hatred." Bakura explained.

"But why?" Tom asked looking over at him.

"She wanted revenge. To kill one of the priests, and I wouldn't let her" Atem explained with a sigh. "Now Zorc can access her when ever she becomes enraged" He added. 

"Bella has had her under control because she was pure. Zorc could not get to Christine through Bella. But since she has been tampering with the shadows. She has been weakened." Bakura explained.

"Damn" Melino cursed out as she took in the information that she was getting. She was fighting with her self to not summon any undead. *i don't think a T-rex roaming Britain will be helpful right now* she thought to her self. 

Tom kicked the desk leg causing it to break and the desk to fall over to the ground. Melino jumped a little as she was slightly reminded of Hades when he throws one of his tantrums. 

"You know you are only hurting your self" Minerva said shaking her head.

"Damn it. I was supposed to protect her! I couldn't even take care of my sister! How the hell did I think I could take care of her when I cant even..." Tom trailed off clearly upset with him self.

Melino sighed a little as she bowed her head. She let out a low growl. she could relate. Anger coursed through her as she sat there angrily. Suddenly, she could not sit there any longer and in moments sprouted fur and fell off the chair onto the ground as a wolf. 

She paced the room anxiously as her tail swished from side to side. 

Atem closed his eyes thoughtfully.

*what is it Atem?* Yugi asked.

"I was just thinking...maybe Mahad can get through to her" Atem said as he leaned against the wall. Melino stopped in mid pace and looked up at him. 

"Or he can find her and tell us where she is at!" Marik said with wide eyes.

Atem summoned Mahad. The magician appeared immediately and bowed.

"Mahad. I need you to try and track Christine and tell me where she is" Atem explained urgently.

Mahad looked up at him with a frown. "I know where she is my pharaoh. Zorc currently resides in the school. She has sent many to the shadow realm already" he explained.

Melino whined a little hearing this. *NO!!!* she let out a howl causing everyone to jump and look over at her.  

Everyone's eyes widened in alarm as they heard this news.

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