Chapter 5

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They arrived in front of a large building. the foreigners stared at the place blankly. 

"uh....they missed 12" Marik said stupidly staring at where the number 12 should be. Bella rolled her eyes at his stupidity. 

"read this and memorize it" Albus said holding out a piece of paper. 

~the head quarters of the Order of Phoenix may be found at number 12 Grimmauld place, London.~

"what the hell" Bakura said blankly, but they were all surprised....well...the foreigners were surprised to see another house appear. 

Bella however looked bored as she stared at the house. She knew what house this was. It belonged to Sirius old friend. 

"quickly in side" Albus said. They all walked in and glanced around the place as they were lead down a hall way and into the kitchen area. 

"Oh joy, this place again" Bella said annoyed. 

"you've been here before?" Marik asked looking at her surprised. 

"a long time ago" Bella replied quietly. "when i was a kid. I hated it" she added. 

"there is an order meeting tonight, i would like for all of you to join us" Albus explained. "normally we don't allow kids in, but you guys are an exception in this case." he added. 

"ummm you mean the fact that four of us are way older than you people" Bella said dryly. Charlie scowled a little and went to sit down. 

"I take it you haven't heard anything?" Albus questioned. 

"you would have been the first to know" Bella replied scowling. Molly walked into the room with her husband and one other red headed man, Bill. 

They were taken back seeing the group of people. "oh Hello" molly said with a smile. "Albus the other children are up stairs" Molly started to say. 

"yes they can go meet them once the meeting is done" Albus replied. as the foreigners copied Bella as she leaned up against the wall. 

"i don't think" Molly started to say looking nervous. 

"Molly Weasley. mother hen, and the reason that her children will be the first to die" Bella said looking over at the duelists. she spoke in Arabic. 

"they have information that we need" Albus said cutting her off. 

"what do you mean?" Atem questioned looking over at Bella also speaking Arabic. Yugi materialized beside Atem and looked around the room. 

"meaning she coddles her kids instead of preparing them for the worst" Bella said in English. "lets put it this way. She would rather hide away the kids than to prepare them in case shit hits the fan" she added as she tilted her head staring at Molly with a 'I dare you to say something to me' look on her face. 

Molly looked over at Bella and looked as if she was wanting to say something. She clearly didn't recognize Bella which in Bella's opinion was great. 

Sirius stalked in being the last of the order to come in. Bella was surprised to see the others there. 

"I want to see him Albus. I refuse to give you any information until i see him for my self." she said firmly, but her eyes were drawn over to Remus and Sirius who were staring up at her with shocked looks on their faces. *i guess they recognize me* she thought with a sigh. 

"Sirius...Remus" Bella greeted in acknowledgement. 

"Sirius, would you mind calling Harry down" Albus said looking over at him. Sirius turned his shocked look to Albus. with a nudge from Remus he left the room quickly. 

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