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by the time that they arrived at the castle it was dark out. "i am assuming that we go on the boats?" Yugi questioned. 

"hell to the no" Bella replied dragging them towards the carriages. 

"HARRY!" they hear shouts of joy and relief as a two red heads and a bushy brunette runs up to them. 

"thank god you are safe!!" Hermione exclaimed. "you shouldn't disappear like that" she said bossily.

"we looked everywhere for you mate" Ron said with a look of relief. 

"yeah, Bye bye" Bella said shoving harry into a carriage and got in and sat beside him. Yugi, Bakura, marik, and Ron got in. 

"sorry no room. you will have to take the next carriage" Bakura said stopping Hermione from trying to enter.

Hermione looked really pissed off, but was unable to say anything because the carriage took off. 

"great. we will have to hear about that all through out dinner" Ron groaned. 

"no you don't" Bella said looking at him with a 'you are kidding right?' "don't let her sit next to you" she said as if it was obvious.

"anyway. Harry. this year is going to be tough with the whole. you know who business. just follow my lead and we will be good. and...dare i say it...befriend some slytherins" she added. 

Rom and Harry stared at her in surprise. Bella stopped Ron before he could protest. 

"I know a few families that are neutral and that will bee good friends to have in school, trust me. get rid of Granger, I am not saying drop all muggle born, Do not do that. but you need some slytherin friends." Bella explained. 

Harry sighed a little in defeat. "who?" he asked. 

"The greengrass family is a good place to start. James was going to make you a contract with them to marry Daphne. I had to convince lily that it was a good idea. it still is. and since i have the authority i can make it happen. but only if you agree. I like Ginny. i do. she is a good girl.  she was our second choice." Bella explained. Ron and harry were surprised by her words and it showed. 

"Oh and if Draco shows up to give me something don't be too surprised. he is only a messenger" Bella explained.

"a messenger for what?" Ron questioned looking curious. 

"he is supposed to be giving me something from his mother. Ill explain later in more detail when no one else can listen in" Bella explained. 

"great, but...what about the sorting?" Harry questioned. 

"we can be sorted, or not be sorted. I am not going to be sorted because i have already been sorted." Bella replied. "Gryffindor by the way, actually i can get into all of the common rooms if i wanted. the hat had an issue sorting me. I chose to stay in Griffindor because i was friends with James, Sirius, and Remus." she added. "i am really talking alot today" she added as let out a breath. 

"I don't think that we should be separated" Yugi said looking at the others. 

"but it would be good to have ears on the inside of other houses" bakura pointed out. 

"i don't think that it is a good idea either, we may be at the school now, but that doesn't mean anything. I know for a fact Lucius comes here often" Bella explained. 

"why does he come here?" Harry asked quickly. 

"mainly to beat Draco. it's his way of keeping Draco in line and too afraid to go against him. that is why crab and goyle is always with him. they are not his lackys. they keep Lucius updated and makes sure Draco remembers his place" Bella explained with a dark scowl thinking of all the ways she wished that she could kill them. "that's what he does to Narcissa too" she added. 

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