Chapter 7

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Bella had gone to the girls room and got her bag, before disappearing into one of the other rooms. It was the drawing room. She had been pulled towards that room for some reason. It was as if it had been calling to her. as she looked around the room she was surprised to find a locket. 

She immediately recognized it as one of the horcruxes. She looked around and put it in her bag. She needed to keep it safe. She pulled out a mirror. "Riddle" She spoke in Parseltoung. Not long after she spoke the words, Voldemort came into view. 

"what news do you have?" He questioned excitedly. though she hinted a tone of anxiousness. 

"they know about the plans that you have with the shadows" She replied. 

"how did they find out!!!!" Voldemort exclaimed looking pissed off once the words left her mouth. 

"they recruited some people that i know. it was the same people that the death eaters attacked in japan. they know all about the shadows and the ways that it works." Bella explained. Voldmort looked thoughtful as he listened to her. 

"Dumbledore got to them and recruited them. i fear it might be too late to try and sway them," Bella said with a saddened sigh. "my lord, i do not wish to fight them, They are something dear to me, Please i know that they are against us, but let me work with them" Bella said pleadingly. 

"if they are against us." Voldemort started to say. 

"please just let me try" Bella said pleadingly. Voldemort sighed.

"it would be helpful to have someone that could properly use the shadows, I mean besides you." Voldemort said in agreement. 

"oh by the way" Bella added suddenly. "i found the locket. I put it away in a safe place" She added. 

Voldemort's eyes lit up. "Good, it wouldn't be good if that got destroyed." He said sounding relieved. 

"it wouldn't matter my lord. Even if it did get destroyed. They would still have to go through me to fully destroy you" Bella said reassuringly. 

"that is why i made you into one of my precious items." Voldemort said with a smirk. 

"My lord you didn't even realize that you created it until after the fact" Bella said with a sly smile. 

"but i am glad that i did" Voldemort said seriously. "since you can not be killed it that alone ensures that i will live" he explained. 

"Of course. what are your orders?" Bella questioned. 

"stay low for now. the ministry thinks that i am not back yet" Voldemort explained. 

"my lord Dumbledore thinks that the ministry will try and put one of their own as the defense teacher since he hasn't been able to find a teacher" Bella explained quickly. Voldemort raised an eyebrow. "might i suggest....or should i say....can you give an order to put a person of my choosing to be positioned at Hogwarts" Bella questioned. 

"who do you have in mind?" Voldemort asked looking puzzled. 

"Her name is Selene.....Selene Walker. She is good at what she does, and she doesn't bow to any one....well except for maybe her mate" Bella explained. 

"would she be helpful to our cause?" voldemort questioned. 

"give her full reign at Malfoy and we have her set. She hates rapists with a passion." Bella replied. 

"Good. I will make sure the boys in the ministry get this done. you know how to get a hold of her?" Voldemort questioned. 

"Of course, I have her on speed dial" Bella replied with a smirk. 

"good. how much time do you have?" Voldemort questioned. 

"as much as you need my lord" Bella said reassuringly. 

"good, because i have a problem" Voldemort replied looking a little stressed. 

"what is the matter?" Bella questioned. 

"Greyback" Voldemort replied. Bella tensed up. 

"what happened?" She asked coldly. 

"His mate was taken by the ministry and locked away. It has left his cub motherless" Voldemort explained. "he can not care for it in his current state of mind" He explained. 

"i...I understand" Bella said looking down sadly. "i can take the cub" she said looking over at him. "not to night though. it is a full moon, Remus needs me here" she explained. 

"Of course, I will hold onto her until you come. Narcissa has been keeping her fed and taken care of, But she knows very little about cubs. Human children yet but...cubs no" Voldemort explained. 

Bella stared at him puzzled. "im not sure i understand" she said slowly. Voldemort turned the mirror and it showed a small baby cub laying curled up on a very large bed. 

"She refuses to turn back" Voldemort explained. Bella sighed. 

"What do you think zorro" She looked over at the fox who brought his head up and looked at the mirror. He wagged his tail a little and laid his head back down. "i will come get her as soon as i can" she said reassuringly.

"mean while keep me updating on what you find out. especially if you find out about what Dumbledore is up to. He knows you are a spy, but he lets it continue. I dont understand" Voldemort said thoughtfully. 

"I know why" Bella said softly. 'he hopes that you can still be saved" she explained with a sigh. "i am the last and only link you have to your older sister" she said. 

Voldemort flinched. "so he thinks that he can use you to turn me good?" He said incredulously. Bella shrugged. 

"all i am saying is that he knows that i am the last link that you have to your sister" She  replied. Voldemort sighed. 

"i wished i had known that all those years ago" he commented. 

"what? regretting making me your queen" she asked jokingly. 

"don't make me cruciate you" Voldemort said threateningly. 

"You would have to be here to do that my lord" Bella said with a smirk.

"when you come for the meeting then i will" Voldemort countered. 

Bella's eyes flashed with amusement. She was used to this banter. this had been a common occurrence before all hell broke loose. *i blame Malfoy* she thought bitterly. "don't get too jealous if you hear that i have a boy friend" Bella said with a smirk. 

all the playfulness left his expression as he stared at her in surprise. 

"what!?" he exclaimed. When did she get a boyfriend? Who was it?

"oh come on. I am going back to school, and i am a teenager." Bella reminded him. Voldemort only sighed. Hearing a door shutting she turned around quickly and looked over at the door. she looked back down at voldemort. 

"Go" voldemort said in understanding seeing the expression on her face. 

"Ill update you later" she said before turning off the mirror and put it away before leaving the room. 

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