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Bella was rudely awakened the next morning by yelps and a 'Bloody hell'. She forced her eyes open and had to stop her self from lashing out at the people who woke her up. looking around she found her self surrounded by a bunch of teenage boys. 

"What the heck is she doing in here?" an irish boy asked...well..more like demanded. 

"She just does that" Ron said with a shrug. 

"what do you mean she just...does that?" Neville asked looking at them. 

"She sleep walks right into Yugi's bed all the time" Bakura said in a teasing tone. Bella picked up the closest thing to her and threw it right at his head. Bakura turned around quickly with a glare. 

"You may be my brother but i wont hesitate to end you" Christine spoke through Bella in a cold tone. 

"Come on Christine. He was just teasing you" Harry said shaking his head a bit slightly amused. 

"I know where you sleep brat" Christine grumbled as Bella forced her back out of control and got up. 

"Get used to it boys." Bella said as she picked up her small bag that was ceremoniously dumped on the bedside table. She opened it up and took out a change of clothes. 

"whoa hey you are not...changing in here are you?" the dark skinned boy asked in alarm. the irish nudged him. 

"dude shut up" the irish boy muttered to him. Clearly he wanted a show. 

A glare from yugi told Bella that Atem had taken control. 

"Oh get over your self" Bella said shutting the curtain around the bed making it impossible for them to see her change. She knew Bakura and Atem were standing guard making sure that no one tried to peek. She faintly had a feeling Harry was also keeping an eye on his roommates. 


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She opened the curtain and stepped off the bed and into view

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She opened the curtain and stepped off the bed and into view. "alright, I'm ready" she said running a hand through her hair. 

Bella looked around and saw that the rest of the group was ready to go as well. "Good, we have a long year ahead of us. Just remember Harry, follow my lead" she said as she laid the wolf pup in a make shift bed on Yugi's bed, and put some protective charms around her. 

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