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Bella walked out of Kiba corps with the group. they were headed towards the arcade much to Joey's delight. Bella looked around faintly wondering where Christian had ran off too. 

"i am sure he will be ok" Yugi sai looking up at her as if guessing what she was thinking. Bella looked over at him and sighed. 

"i know. I cant help it. I know i am not a mother, but that is probably why i am so worried. He is Christine's son and...you know i cant have kids. I cant help but feel worried about him for her you  know" Bella explained with a sigh. 

"yeah i get it" Yugi said. 

"hey, No offense but...why cant you have any kids?" joey asked looking over at her. 

The group tensed up.

"joey!?" Melino gasped out surprised.  

Bella sighed a little. "Its alright, When i was little. I was found in a ditch. my god father, A texas ranger, found me and took me to the hospital. There they found out i had been...drugged and asulted. my...body never healed from it." She explained. 

A gasp went through the group. Yugi's eyes were wide with alarm. 

"How old were you?" Melino asked curiously. 

"I was 8" Bella replied softly. "after that...Things changed at home...so i ran away. Ended up living on the streets for a while." 

"How did you manage to turn things around." Tristan asked surprised. "I mean...your house...your job?" he asked. 

"I...forced my self to work at it, finally i just met the right people," Bella replied with a shrug. "I did end up back in texas...i staid back at my adoptive parents place....I was there for about a year before i ran again" She explained. "texas just....it wasn't the same. Bad things kept happening" She added. 

Melino sighed a little. She could understand that. "wait...Christine said something about you baby sitting for my dad...what was that about?" Melino asked. 

Bella suddenly grinned as the mood changed. "Nico is such an adorable little boy" She says chuckling. She then frowned a little. "I do hope he will be alright. I haven't informed him of the changes" She added looking worried. 

Melino blinked and stared at her not knowing what to say. 

Bella shivered a little feeling a cold shiver go through her. She looked around confused as she attempted to find the source of this odd feeling. "yugi i don't feel so good about this street...is there another way to the arcade?" She asked looking over at him. 

the group turned and looked at her. 

"oh come on, its just another couple of blocks" Tristan said looking down the road. Bella bites her bottom lip nervously. 

"Its probably nothing" Joey said brushing it off. 

"Yeah remember the last time y'all thought it was nothing" Bella said with a scowl, but did not say anything else, knowing that they were not going to take her seriously. 

They continued walking down the street. 

They were just about to the arcade when several loud cracks were heard and people with black coats started appearing out of no where and began shooting off curses. 

"I told you!" Bella exclaimed with wide eyes. 

Atem took over as well as Bakura took over Ryou.

"not these creeps again" Joey exclaimed as they all activated their duel disks and summoned their monsters. Bella backed up and ran down an ally when they were not watching. 

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