Chapter 6

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~Christine was lead into Pharaoh Aknamkanon's room where he lay dying. Prince Atem had just left red eyed and hiding tears as they cascaded down his face. 

"pharaoh?" Christine says as she looked at him. Worry filled her as she stared at him. 

"Christine...I hope you take care of my son" The pharaoh says softly. 

"of course i will Pharaoh." Christine replied standing up straight. 

"you have questions. I know you have been fighting to ask them" The pharaoh says. "I want to answer as many as i can before i move on" he explained. 

Christine fought back the emotions that she was feeling. This was not something she wanted to do as the pharaoh lay dying. "well...there was one thing" she says as she tried to fight the tears that were forming in her eyes. " said, when you took me to that place...that the pharaohs of the past...they tried to bury the information about what happened...If that is did you know?" Christine asked. 

The pharaoh coughed a little. "My son was not the first to take a slave as his companion" he says softly.  

Christine tilted her head surprised. 

"my grand father did as well. He too did not agree with how the slaves were treated. Her people told the stories of what happened. My own mother was...not from here. But she died after i was born" The pharaoh replied. 

Christine stared at him bewildered. "y-your mother! but..." she trailed off. 

"My father took concubines, he had many women to please him" The pharaoh says coughing a little.  Christine's eyes widened. She looked down thoughtfully. 

" all pharaoh's take concubines?" Christine asked. 

The pharaoh looked over at her. "My son loves you. I do not believe that he would do that. There is no need to worry your self" he says reassuringly, but this did little to calm her thoughts. 

She shook her head a little as she tried to push the thoughts away. " made a...a comment about me being an albino looking child..." she trailed off hesitantly. 

"hm..." he reached out and lightly ran his hand through her silver hair. "Your hair." He says. "by all accounts it does not make sense" he says. 

Christine frowned. "How can that be? I mean...why am i different?" She asked. The pharaoh how ever was unable to give her an answer. 

"Being different isn't a bad thing. can be the cause of many bad reactions" The pharaoh says with a frown. Christine looked down sadly. her head shot up hearing him coughing. 

"Pharaoh! you need to rest!" She says fearfully. Her eyes were wide. 

"It's alright" The pharaoh replied. 

"Easy for you to say! its me they will blame!" Christine scowled as she crossed her arms. He chuckled a little in response how ever it was short as his eyes slowly began to get heavy. 

"pharaoh?" Christine asked worriedly. Panic shot through her. "PHARAOH!" She screamed as his eyes shut and his head fell to the side!~

They were not sure when or how, But some time in the night Bella had left her room and ended up in the boys room, So when Yugi woke up the next morning, to be honest he really should not have been all that surprised to find Bella laying next to him, but Harry, Ron, and Marik sure were. Bakura really didn't seem to care, it was as though he had expected it to happen. 

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