Chapter 53

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Most everyone staid in the hospital wing for a week recovering. Marik had appeared in the middle of the hospital wing, seemingly out of no where, and scared the hell out of a lot of people.

He looked as though death was warmed over and he was starving.

When Marie had finally woken up she took Zorc from Ginny, who had been the one watching her. Zorc was now the size of a small toddler. 

After explaining to the ministry that a student had a "magical outburst" School resumed as usual after that week of recovery. However, for our group of item holders and extended members of their group were getting ready to pack up and head out. Tom was currently sitting under a tree staring out into the lake. 

Bella dropped down beside him causing him to look up "well this has been fun" she says sarcastically. 

Tom scoffed as he shakes his head. "yeah right" he says laughing. 

Bella chuckled. "well. No offense...but i want a divorce." She says jokingly. "see, there's this guy..." 

Tom rolled his eyes before he and Bella both started laughing. 

"I think we have all lost our minds" Tom commented. 

"yeah, well im the one who moved all the way to japan" Bella says with a scowl. 

"all for a guy" Tom shakes his head. 

"He's a special one" Bella shrugged. "And i did it for Christine...not me" She added. 

Tom sighed and stared at the water. "I don't know what i am going to do now" he says a little reluctantly. 

"you have Minerva" Bella says pushing against him lightly. "and you are more than welcome to join us in japan" She added. "I've got plenty of rooms" She says. "plus...i reinstated you back into the family. you should have access to your bank accounts again" 

Tom looked over at her surprised. 

"Mom did not want the position as head of house. Im her heir...That makes me head of house now" Bella explained. 

Tom pulled up his shirt sleeve and saw that the family mark was there and looking just as vibrant as Bella's was at that moment. 

"You should have never been separated from the family. but grampa did it to protect you, I hope you can understand" Bella says softly. 

Tom looked down and nods. "at least im alive right" he says quietly. Bella nods as she put a hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner.

"That's all that matters now." she says before standing up. 

Tom looked up at her. "where are you going?" he asked. 

"we are leaving" Bella replied. 

"You are not finishing out the year?" Tom asked looking surprised. 

Bella shakes her head. "No," she replied. 

" coming back next year?" Tom asked. 

Bella shrugged. "Maybe...maybe not. Everything is...back to the way its supposed to be. Im not needed here any more" she says as Tom stood up. 

"what...that's...of course you are" Tom says looking a little panicked. 

Bella shakes her head a bit "I told are more than welcomed to come to my place" She says reaching up and running a hand through his hair affectionately. She turned and walked away from him. He stared after her as she walked away. 

Once she was out of sight, He turned and looked at the lake. His jaw locked as his clenched his teeth together. Sure, he could go back and forth to see them, but it wasn't the same. 

With a sigh he turned away from the lake and walked back up to the castle. As he walked around the corner of a hallway he stopped surprised as he saw Selene in a water bubble looking annoyed as Marilla lay on the floor squealing with amusement, though she seemed as though she was miserable. 

Tom chuckled seeing Selene. 

"let me out of here!" Selene exclaimed when she saw Tom. 

"what am i supposed to do?" Tom asked. 

"I dont know, Give her something else to distract her" Selene suggested. 

Tom raised an eyebrow. "cant even handle your own kid huh?" He asked as he walked over and knelt down before picking up Marilla and standing back up. "alright kiddo" he says looking at her. He was surprised when she grinned and saw that she had a full set of teeth. 

"Well that was fast" he commented and then mentally slaps himself as he realized what was wrong with the girl. He made a popsicle appear and gave it to her. Marilla greedily chomped at the popsicle happily. 

The water bubble around Selene disappeared. 

"Oh great...sticky" Selene says looking at Marilla with dismay, but she was happy that Marilla did not seem to be upset any more. 

Tom handed over Marilla and walked away as he waved to Selene. 

He made his way through the castle, Hearing heels tapping on the floor. he turned and saw Marie walked towards him with a small child that he assumed was Zorc. 

"Hey Marie." he says. 

Marie smiled as she walked up to him. They shared a hug. "What a year huh?' She asked. 

"That's for sure" Tom says with a sigh as they let go of each other. 

"everything is going to be alright Tom" Marie says reassuringly. Tom sighs with a nod as they turned and stared out the window. "I know what i have to do" 

"Can you though?" Tom asked. 

"I have to" Marie replied with a saddened sigh as they both turned and looked at Zorc, who stared up at them 

"lets get this over with then"  

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