Chapter 4

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In japan, Yugi, Marik, Bakura, and Joey were all at Yugi's home and asleep. it was the middle of the night. Yugi flew into a sitting position as he woke up. Atem was sitting on the bed with a look of worry. 

"What is it?" Yugi asked looking over the the pharaoh with concern. 

"someone is here" Atem replied looking over at Yugi. Yugi got up and walked out of his room hearing a knocking. 

"I've got it grampa" Yugi said when he saw his grandfather walking out of his room sleepily. 

"you would think that even evil needs their rest" Yugi's grandfather grumbled. Yugi snickered at his grandfathers comment. 

"it is sad that even your grand father knows evil comes knocking at all times" Atem commented as Bakura, Marik and Joey walked up to them. 

"who's here?" Joey asked sleepily rubbing his eyes.  

"who ever it is, is going to find them selves a one way trip tot he shadow realm" Bakura snarled bitterly. He hated being woken up, for any reason. 

They made their way down to the door. Atem took over and reached out twisting the door knob. opening it they were surprised to find the old man from before as well as a red headed man that they did not recognize.  

"what the hell do you want" Bakura snarled. the red headed man raised an eyebrow at his hostility.

"shut it thief!" Atem snapped, not in the mood to deal with his brother in law. He turned his attention to the old man. "is there something we can help you with?" he questioned looking annoyed. 

"thief?" the red head mouthed to him self with a 'who are these people?' look on his face. 

"Actually i believe we can help each other." Albus spoke calmly not at all bothered by their hostility. 

"is this about those cloaked guys?" Joey asked as he rubbed his eyes tiredly. the red head stiffened as Joey mentioned the 'Cloaked guys'. 

"yes" Albus replied simply with a nod. 

"come in" Atem said as they moved out of the way. they walked into the living room and sat down. 

"who were those freaks" Marik questioned as he looked at the old man and the red headed man. 

"they are called Death eaters" Albus replied. 

"why did they steal the pharaoh's tablet" Atem questioned. 

Albus adopted a grave look. "that I do not know, I was hoping that you could shed light on that your self Pharaoh" he replied making them all stare at him in shock. How did he know?

Bakura growled as he pulled his knife instinctively.  

The red head spoke up cutting off what ever insult Bakura was going to say. "My name is Charlie. I dated a girl back a couple years ago, she introduced me to duel monsters. my brother Bill, is the one who connected you to the pharaoh, he is a curse breaker and works in Egypt a lot" Charlie explained. "and before you get made about my brothers choice of job" He said quickly seeing them getting angry. "Bella already bitched him out for it, and made him and his team promise to stay away from certain tombs" he explained. 

The duelists stared at them in shock. Wait...did he say...?? 

"You know Bella!" Atem asked quickly as he sat up with even more interest. Was it their Bella...or a different Bella?

"You dated Bella?" Bakura asked in alarm. 

Charlie inched away from the thief seeing a threatening gleam in his eyes. In fact, Charlie seemed rather scared of the look in Bakura's eyes. 

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