chapter 41

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The order of the Phoenix found them selves in the dining room of Sirius blacks home.

Madam Pomfery, who had also been freed from the shadows, was currently looking over Christine and Bella as though she was on auto pilot.

"Christian came in and offered to exchange places with me." Bella explained. "I...just before the exchange I managed to get everyone from the shadow realm. After that...they just vanished" Bella explained. "Christian...Zorc...they both just vanished"

"So now we got a monster on the loose" Alastor moody growled out.

"At least they are away from the school" Albus said with a sigh. He looked weary and with every right to be.

"but that means...Christian has darkness in him" Melino says looking up at Bella. 

Bella sighed and looked down. Even while being with Horus all that time, he still had enough darkness in him that gave Zorc all the power she needed in order to possess him.

"But in the school,  she was detained and we knew where she was at." Bakura pointed out.

"How are we going to track her down now?" Tom asked. He was sitting beside Yugi, who was currently in control. Atem had gone back to his soul room to rest.

Tom was staying close to Atem and Bakura as much as he could. When the order arrived it was Harry who had stopped them from attacking.

Melino was currently sitting in Bakura's lap leaning against him with her head against his shoulder. 

Sirius and Remus had tried to explain Tom's appearance in the home, but they had reluctantly had to get Yugi and Bakura to explain, as they really were not sure what to tell them.

Molly Weasley had thrown a temper tantrum when the meeting started, Albus had agreed to allow Harry and Ginny to stay for the meeting.

Harry and Tom had immediately jumped in and shielding Ginny when Molly tried to forcibly remove the items from Ginny.

Atem had come out long enough to give her a warning that he was not going to put up with it. 

Arthur, having enough of the fighting, told molly to shut up and sit down.

"How did Ginny get involved in this?" Arthur questioned.

"Bill gave these to me for my birthday," Ginny explained. "Mom wanted to throw them out, but I hid them" she added.

Molly looked as though she was about to start ranting again.

"Those items belonged to my sister, and before that, they had belonged to the pharaohs mother, they have now been passed on to Ginny. That is where they will stay until she decides to pass them along to her children" Bakura explained coldly. "They rightfully belong to Ginny, which makes her a part of the pharaoh's court" he added.

"I would have thought since they were Christine's they would have been passed down to Bella" tom said looking at them confused.

"Bella is the one who gave them to me, to give to Ginny" Bill spoke up from down the table a ways.

"There's your answer" Bakura said with a shrug.

"So they can just go to...what...anyone?" Arthur asked.

"No," harry spoke up and turned to Yugi. "Only those meant to hold them can. She was tested just like I was" harry said.

"Tested?" Albus questioned.

Harry held up the key before letting it drop again hiding it in his shirt.

"How were you tested?" Albus questioned.

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