Chapter 42

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Hours later, the cleansing was finally over. Bella lay there on the floor exhausted and breathing heavily. She felt as though she had just endured the longest session of the cruciatus curse she had ever had.

The pain was far worse than that of the cruciatus. She could not even feel the sweat on her skin because the nerves in her body were shot. a tear fell from her eye and onto the floor. She heard the people around her moving about.

"As soon as you are ready, we will move you to the recovery room" She heard someone, a male, say to her. Bella could not even speak much less think about moving. She lay there for another 30 minutes before they checked in on her again.

this time they came closer to her.

"Are you ready to be moved?" it was a female.

Bella could only muster a small nod. She was moved into a room and placed onto a bed. The room was dimly lit.

"T-Tom?" she says quietly.

"what dear?" the person in the room asked as she came forward.

Tears welled up in Bella's eyes. "i...i cant feel him." She whispered as a new wave of tears hit. This wave was not of pain, it was of loss and dear. "what have you done" She choked out.

"We cleansed your body of the darkness that was damaging your core. It was killing you" The lady explained.

"he's gone" Bella choked on her tears.

"Im sorry, Who is gone?" The lady asked confused. Bella heard movement again and the door being opened. "hey, was this girl checked for any pregancy?" she asked.

"she was not pregnant when she came in" The person replied.

"Then what is she talking about?" The lady asked once again.

Bella's head rolled to the side and she looked over at the cloaked people. She could not see their faces. everything in the room began to levitate.

"uh oh" the female says as she say the levitating objects. The objects were then thrown violently towards them. They ducked causing it all to hit the walls.

Panic filled her as she reached her magic out trying to find any trace of Tom. Once her magic felt his, she willed her self to him. not a moment to soon, She was inside Sirius's home. In the living room. She was laying on the floor beside the couch.

She stared up and saw Tom laying there asleep on the couch. Relief flooded through her seeing him.

"Tom" She says quietly.

She was surprised to see his eyes open and look down at her. Surprise filled his eyes as he stared at her

"Bella?" He asked sounding relieved as he moved down onto the floor....more like fell down onto the floor. He groaned a little when he moved. 

"hi" Bella replied as his hand grasped hers.

"merry Christmas" Tom whispered. Was it really Christmas?

"Merry Christmas" Bella whispered back. They lay there the rest of the night beside each other. Bella had fallen asleep about 10 minutes into laying there, but she was woken when she heard excited voices.

She opened her eyes and looked up. Everyone was there.

"it's about time you woke up" Tom says looking down at her. He was sitting on the floor leaned up against the couch.

"Sirius was about to douse you with a bucket of water" Tom says.

"i wouldn't have let him" Remus says amused.

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