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The next day found Bella and the group at Seto kiba's medical center. Bella had woken up and had thrown up until she was throwing up dark blood. She was laying on a bed with an IV in her hand. she was hooked up to several monitors. The doctors had taken several samples of blood, but they could not figure out what was making her sick. 

It wasn't until joey had joked about it being a magical sickness did they get in touch with Dumbledore thinking that he might be right. 

Dumbledore and madam Pomfery made hast in getting there. Madam Pomfery was now scanning Bella with several spells. 

"your magic has been depleted. Your core is damaged" Madam Pomfery explained as she gathered information. 

"what does that mean??" Joey asked. 

"Will she be alright?" Yugi asked worried. 

"it is fixable" Madam Pomfery replied with a nod. They all let out breaths of relief. "but it will involve something that Bella doesn't like" she added. 

"what is that?" Yugi asked. 

"rest" Madam Pomfery replied. Bella made a face at that. She hated being still, She blamed her parents for that. 

"what will happen if she doesn't?" Christian asked looking worried. 

"If she continues to over do it and her core continues to be damaged, then it would become far too damaged to be fixed. that could result in several things. Either she will be unable to use magic or it will kill her. Either way its too dangerous to not take serious" Madam Pomfery explained. 

"how long will it take to fix her core?" Bakura asked. 

"that will depend solely on her." Madam Pomfery replied with a sigh. 

"isn't there a way to speed up the process?" Bella asked looking up at her. 

"well...there is one way" Madam Pomfery said thoughtfully. "but there is no guarantee that it would work." she said. 

"what is it?" Christian asked. 

"this happened because i was tampering with the shadows" Bella said looking over at the group. Melino's eyes flashed at the mention of the shadows. 

"so.....?" Joey asked clearly not understanding. 

"what is the opposite of shadows" Melino said suddenly understanding what they were saying. 

"Light" Yugi said suddenly. Melino looked at him with a look of confusion. 

"what's that..." she began to ask confused. 

"yes. Light magic would counter the effects of dark." Dumbledore said. 

Atem appeared, sitting on the bed beside Bella. "When i defeated Zorc the last time i used the Egyptian gods" he said thoughtfully. His arms were crossed and one leg over the other. 

"What about the patronus charm?" Marik asked looking up at them.

"that is what professor McGonagall used on her" Bakura said. 

"then it should work" Melino says sounding hopeful. 

"let us try" Dumbledore said as he pulled his wand out and pointed it at Bella. Bella tensed up as every molecule in her yelled run. Alarms blared in her mind sensing danger. 

"expecto patronum!" Dumbledore said sharply as a silvery Phoenix appeared out of the wand and dove straight for Bella. Bella tensed as the patronus went through her. Warmth filled her a she felt the darkness fighting with the light of the charm. it was as if the charm was pushing the darkness back. 

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