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Bella and the group sat down at the table. Almost immediately Molly started to protest, but a glare from Arthur shut her up. 

"Bella have you heard anything from your side?" Dumbledore questioned. 

"mhmm. but first off...if Granger don't shut her mouth then you guys are going to end up loosing me as a contact. I can't play as if i am on both sides if she goes and outs me" Bella said with a scowl. 

"Both sides?" Molly questioned looking over at her confused and suspiciously. 

"Bella acted as a spy for us in the last war. She still has credibility with voldemort and is gaining us information" Dumbledore explained. 

"Except" Bella cut off Alastor who was about the speak. "I am not going through him. I haven't contacted him. I've only talked to Narcissa, whom by the way is trying to divorce Malfoy, but he is threatening her. she is too scared of him to continue to go against him in the open. If you get the chance...take him out. a trip to Azkaban nullifies her marriage." Bella explained. 

Dumbledore gave a nod. "what have you learned?" he asked. 

"He is looking for someone. he isn't paying much attention to his death eaters who are still causing problems obviously. but he is focused on finding this person. I have an idea as to who he is looking for...but i am not for sure. anyway. he is not interested in the war that is going on between us and the death eaters at this particular moment" Bella explained. 

"and just how can we be sure what she says is the truth." Snape scowled darkly. 

"have you been summoned Snape?" Bella questioned innocently. 

"weather i have or not is none of your business." Snape snapped. 

"you haven't been summoned because he knows you are a spy idiot" Bella snapped. Snape paled at her words, but quickly recovered. 

"how do you know this?" Atem questioned. Bella looked over at him and sighed a little. 

*time to let go of one of my secretes* She thought. "Harry isn't the only one who has the connection to him. I see the visions too" She explained. The members in the room sat up interested.

"how?" Sirius demanded to know. 

"I was there the night lily and James were murdered dipstick. why do you think Dumbledore hunted me down. it wasn't to play spy. he was going to use me to get you a pardon" Bella scowled. 

Sirius's eyes widened and looked over at Dumbledore questioningly. Dumbledore shrugged a little. 

"i will admit that was my original goal." Dumbledore replied. Bella smirked and sat back in her chair with a smug smirk as she crossed her arms. "That doesn't answer the question though" Dumbledore pointed out. 

Bella scowled. "When he killed lily and James it created a domino's effect. It triggered. the family curse. Anyone with the family mark who kills another marked family member will trigger it." She explained.

"what was the effect?" Remus questioned. 

"That part is of no use to us. all it did was make him loose his body for a while. The part that does matter is the family mark. it gives us access to everyone in the family. I could be half way across the world and be able to communicate with him if i wanted to, it is all through our link. I could be talking to him right now and none of you would know" She said with a smirk. "OW" She turned and glared at the pharaoh who cuffed her in the back of the head. 

"ugh...Ok Ok I'll behave" She grumbled as she looked around the room and saw everyone was pale. 

Christine appeared beside her with an amused look on her face. "No one said anything about me though" she said in a sing song voice. 

"Christine" Atem said warningly with a growl to his tone. 

Christine looked away with a pout. 

"who?" Molly questioned. 

"My other personality" Bella waved her hand as if it didn't matter that she had another person living in her body. "look if y'all want us doing this crap for you guys. we have one hell of a long ride tomorrow. and i want to sleep" Bella said giving them a meaningful look. 

"more traveling" Marik moaned in displeasure.

"yeah...on a train" Bella replied looking over at him with an equally displeased look on her face. "and he" she points to the pharaoh "still needs to help me and Harry learn how to duel. Christine helped me some. But my deck is...I'd loose" she explained. 

"if you don't mind" Atem said "we have a lot to do before tomorrow" he explained. 

"no, go on" Dumbeldore replied. The group walked out of the room and up to their own room. as they got into the boys room Atem shut the door and Marik set up the shadows to keep them from being over heard. 

"Alright, now what the hell is going on" Bakura growled looking over at Bella with a 'tell me now or you die look' 

Bella sighed a little. "look. what i said was the truth" she started to say. 

"but you didn't tell us everything." Atem said sharply. 

"i couldn't. If this information got into the wrong hands it could be disasterous" Bella explained quickly. "I don't feel like dying any time soon. Do you have any idea how hard it is to be a spy. It is hard" Bella said sharply as she sat down on the bed crossing her arms in front of her with one leg over lapping the other. 

"What information do you have that needs to be protected so heavily" Marik asked looking at her puzzled. Bella looked away from them.

"Bella we need to know" Atem said firmly. 

Bella tensed up. "i...in order to kill Voldemort....you would have to kill me and Harry" she whispered, but it was loud enough that they could hear. They all froze in shock at what they heard. 

"No, there has to be another way" Bakura said firmly. "we will find another way" he said. 

Bella looked up at him. "no Bakura, there is no other way. in order to kill him you have to kill me" She said as tears formed in her eyes. "he put a pieces of his soul in side us. He didn't mean to do it with Harry. But he did with me." She explained. 

"why the hell would you allow someone to do that!?" Marik exclaimed. Bella shook her head wiped at her eyes a little brushing tears away. "people tend to go crazy when they split their soul if you haven't already noticed" he said using his hands to dramatically get the point across to her.

"Because, because at the time i was on his side. they have him all wrong. he never meant for any of this. Everything that is happening...it's happening because of Lucius and his friends. they are the ones killing all the muggleborns and causing all those deaths. They have been poisoning him!" Bella said trying to make them understand. "He is my Uncle Marik! What was i supposed to do. Turn my back on him. all he wanted to do was make an orphanage for the magical children who needed a place to go. Muggles fear what they don't understand!" She cried out. 

Atem, Bakura, and Marik looked at each other unsure of what to say or do. 

"he what?"

quickly they all turned and stared at Harry who was standing there in the room over by the wall. 

"oh fuck" 

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