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Atem and Chris fell on to the dirt ground. They forced them selves up with a groan.

"That hurt" chris said feeling sore from hitting the ground.

"I landed on the puzzle" Atem groaned.

"Ouch" chris laughed a bit and looked around. He had at least landed on his back. 

"Where are we?" Atem questions.

"My ranch"

They turned and looked over to see a man standing there wearing all western attire with a silver star pinned to his shirt and a gun holster attached to his belt.

"The question is...who are you" the man said.

"I am...Atem and this is Christian." Atem introduced them.

"We are looking for midnight" Chris said quickly.

"What do you want with midnight" the man questioned.

"Christine sent us" Atem replied.

"And we seemed to have lost Marie' Chris said looking to Atem with wide eyes.

Atem looked at him with wide eyes. "You lost Marie?!" He exclaimed.
Hearing a squawk they looked over and saw Marie laying on the back of a black stallion.

"MARIE!!!" Atem and Chris said relieved.

Marie tilts her head looking confused as Midnight walked forward.

Midnight bowed his head. 'Pharaoh' he greeted.

"Uh...the horse just talked" Chris said hesitantly.

"Your mother is imprisoned in the necklace by a monster and your were raised by a god, yet you find talking animals shocking?" Atem questions startled as he looked at Chris with a 'are you serious?' look. 

"Bite me" Chris deadpanned.

'What has happened to my mistress!?' Midnight stomped his hoof to the ground angrily.

Atem and Chris backed away. "She said you knew something about a pup?" Chris said quickly.

"We are trying to find a way to separate her from Zorc!" Atem explains.

Midnight watched them closely. He huffed. 'The pup in question is here, Walker has him' he said looking.

Walker looked at midnight and nods. "I'll get him" he said and walked away.

"How is a pup going to help us?" Chris questioned looking between midnight and Atem.

Atem shrugged and looked over as Walker came back out with a small black pup. He handed it over to Atem.

Atem looked down at the pup confused. "This...isn't a normal pup" he commented.

"No he isn't" walker replied. "I'm not even going to ask what has happened to my daughter, I'm sure I can guess. Just get her back" Walker said looking at them with a 'if you don't, I know who to come after' look.

"We will" Atem said with a firm nod. he felt a little scared as he watched Walker hesitantly. 

The pup gave a loud bark and they were all sent back to Sirius's house.

Chris fell onto his back when they landed.

Marie was laughing at his misfortune as she went straight to Tom and laid down.

"Thank gods you are back!" Ginny said relieved.

Atem and Chris looked over to find Harry was unconscious on the couch.

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