Clout .

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The next few days went a lot better , Mattia and I are civil now but we definitely aren't as close as we used to be . It's Thursday afternoon and I have soccer trials for the girls varsity soccer team , soccer wasn't my ideal first choice but they had none of the sports from back home so this was my next best bet .

I went to the locker rooms to change after school , I'd be doing trials with Giannas team which was just peachy . It all went really well and I made the team earning a very surprised look from the coach considering I've never even played before . After practice I had to wait for Mattia and the boys to finish up so I sat on the bleachers when Gianna came over .
" hey are you okay you've seemed down these last couple days ?" She asked , I hate that she's so nice . "Erh yea I'm okay , I've just been a bit home sick and stuff " I reply . " I'm really sorry to hear , but at least you're blowing up on TikTok and insta now thanks to the boys it's such a benefit of being friends with them ." I stopped scrolling through my phone to look at her " excuse me ?" I asked  " you know you've gotten kinda famous isn't it so cool " she added to try and help me understand what she meant . " no I understood what you meant , but that's not the reason I'm friends with them , I do actually like hanging out with them " I said . She started laughing " yea sure you do , they're boys though and they are actually kinda annoying that's the only reason I'm saying it ." She said , I looked at her and just shook my head rather and said nothing , I was finally seeing what Alejandro meant .

After practice the boys all ran over to greet us hugging me and just giving head nods to Gianna . Mattia went over and gave her a kiss on the cheek and then we all started walking to the car . The boys were all super sweaty from practice and they were all jumping on me and trying to hug me while we were walking while Mattia and Gianna walked behind us . The boys were coming over to mattia's house but we had to drop Gianna at home first . When we got to the car I went to open the front seat when Gianna said " you should sit at the back with the boys since you guys get on so well and so I can sit by Mattia " everyone went quiet and waited to see what I'd say I just looked at Mattia but proceeded to sit at the back . I'm not going to start drama but she's honestly starting to irritate me now

We dropped her at home and she leaned over and basically made out with Mattia in the front seat as if we weren't there then got out . Mattia said I can sit in front now " nah I'm good since I'm just one of the boys " I said while throwing up a gang sign they taught me everyone started laughing and we drove home , all the tension slowly disappeared after she left the car .

We got home and everyone greeted Camilla and went downstairs to chill . I went to take a shower and change into a t-shirt and shorts and one of mattia's hoodies . When I came out I caught him staring at me but he said nothing . The boys were filming a live on Alejandro's TikTok while playing some game called chicken - which was basically where the boys would get really close as if they were gonna kiss and then whoever backed off first lost and was called a chicken - Mattia because of his height was unbeaten at this game when suddenly I got an idea to get him back for the whole towel stunt he pulled in my first week here

"Lemme play " I said , all the boys turned to me in confusion. " It doesn't really work with girls" Mattia said , " the whole point is just to not kiss or let the other person kiss you , nothing about gender " I say "besides you're just scared I'm gonna beat you " all the boys went "oohhh" in unison and the live started blowing up with comments .
"Fine " Mattia said . I stood up and went to stand in front of him with him towering over me slightly , we both got really close like inches from each other's faces when I stood up on my toes and got even closer and making him stand up straight which is something he wasn't expecting, he stumbled back and almost fell making me the winner. All the boys went mad and Kairi came running up to me and lifted my arm up shouting " We have a winner!"

The comments on the live went mad with everyone asking about Gianna and that's when it hit all of us how bad this is gonna go and Alejandro shut off the live .

"Did she join " I asked , "doesn't matter the fans screen record everything " Alvaro said . Oh shit my Instagram started going mad with tags in screen recordings and screenshots from the video most of the people saying that they "ship" us and that I'm "the girl version of Mattia "basically . Some even recognized that I was wearing his hoodie in the live.

I looked over at him and the realization hit us both that something really bad was coming.

Authors note
Sorry this chapter is kinda short but it's more of a filler chapter for what's about to come so stay tuned and don't forget to vote ❤️❤️

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