Your fault

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His fist connected with mariano's jaw repeatedly , I stood there motionless , he tackled Mar to the floor and hovered over him while hitting him , I heard bone crack. Mariano wasn't even trying to fight back he was just lying there taking it.

Luca pulled Mattia off Mariano and started to drag him downstairs , "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT , HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME " he yelled at Camila who was standing with tears streaming down her eyes. She was trembling I snapped out of my daze as Mariano stood up, his nose was bleeding and he had a busted lip , "get out ." I said ,"Hannah just hear me out -" "get out" I cut him off and pointed to the door. He left without any further hesitation.

I walked over to Camila and wrapped my arms around her " I'm so sorry Camila I had no idea otherwise I would never have invited him over" , "it's okay I just feel that I've hurt him when all I was trying to do was protect him from anymore damage , because he was in such a bad space with the drugs and partying I didn't want it to get any worse ." She broke down again , "he will come around you're literally the center of his world and he loves you a lot he will forgive you " I said trying to reassure her. I stood there hugging her for a little while longer . "Camila I'm going to to check on him okay ?" ," okay just please try to get him to understand why I did what I did " she pleaded I could see all the hurt and regret behind her eyes as she spoke .

I hugged her one more time and then walked downstairs to Mattia's room . I walked in and Luca was standing holding a crying Mattia's shoulders trying to calm him down speaking to him in Italian . They hugged and then Luca started walking upstairs he stopped next to me and rested his hand on my shoulder before continuing, almost as if to say good luck .Mattia sat down on the edge of his bed , I went over and sat next to him . We sat in silence for a while , the tension was thick . I leaned over and put my head on his shoulder and he leaned his on top of mine , " Mattia I'm so sorry , I had no idea " he shot up , "Everything is so fucked up , she's my mom and she never told me , I dated Gianna for an entire year before even finding out and she never said anything " he said pacing back and forth, " she could've saved me so much heartbreak but instead she said nothing " he added physically getting more and more angry , suddenly he yelled and walked over and punched the wall his fist traveling right through the dry wall . He pulled his hand out and cried in pain his knuckles were dripping in blood , I ran over and grabbed his hand and guided him over to the bathroom . Tears were streaming down his face I ran his hand under cold water to wash off the blood and then covered his had in a towel to try and stop the bleeding . I made him sit down on the toilet so I could bandage it up , he looked up at me "I'm sorry that you have to be here taking care of me " he said , " don't worry about it, I told you I'm always here for you no matter what " I was standing between his legs wrapping the bandage and gauze around his busted knuckles. He put his other hand over mine causing me to look at him " I appreciate you so much and I'm so thankful to have you in my life Hannah " he said tears pooling at his eyes , he stood up and kissed my forehead before walking out of the bathroom. I liked this side of Mattia , the almost vulnerable side , he comes across as more sincere about the things he says .

I cleaned the bathroom up and threw the bloody towel into some cold water to get the blood out . When I walked out he was sitting on the bed busy on his phone , " I just messaged the boys to come over so I could vent a bit , stay and hang w us "he said looking up at me " I didn't exactly have any other plans " I responded . "Mattia listen I spoke to your mom " I started , he looked up at me with an irritated expression and clenched his jaw " I know you don't wanna hear about this right now but she was just trying to protect you from ending up in a worse space than you already were " I said standing in front of him , he sighed , looked down and ran his hands through his hair . I pulled his face up to look at me , his eyes were bloodshot from crying . I leaned down and put my forehead against his and just closed my eyes "it's going to get better I promise , might not seem like it right now but it will ." He pulled back and then hugged me "everything just feels better when you're around " he said so softly I barely heard him . His phone bleeped , he picked it up and unlocked it "only Kairi and Alejandro are coming over " he said and I nodded.

I sat down on his bed and clicked on my phone
*4 messages from Mariano *
*3 missed called from Mariano*

I wasn't going to reply or even read them , today was honestly just too much and I needed time to just chill out . About 20 mins later Kairi and Alejandro walked into Mattia's room , hugged him and then came over to greet me . "I'm going to head up for a bit so you can tell them what happened okay ? " I said looking at Mattia , " thank you "he said hugging me and kissing the top of my head . Kairi and Alejandro both looked at each other a bit confused , as I walked out all I heard was "are you guys together now ? " from Ale

I went up and checked on Camila who was doing a bit better and I told her about the hole in the wall that Mattia had made .

When I eventually came down and the boys were all hugging , "y'all good ?" I asked causing them to jump slightly , "yes thanks Han " Mattia said walking over and then hugged me and I can see he's been crying again . We all spent the rest of the night cuddled up watching movies and making tiktoks , eventually we all fall asleep on mattias bed.

Authors note
I know this chapter it super short , but I had some really bad writers block with it so I kinda just wanted to end it so I could start fresh with a new chapter ❤️

Also thank you all for 10K reads and all the votes 🥺❤️

I need some names for girls in upcoming chapters so if you guys wanna feature you can just comment your names 💋


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