Make up sex

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"What" Mattia said , he looked at me , rage flashed across his face . He got up and started walking inside , without hesitation I ran after him .

"Baby wait" , "don't call me that " he said . I finally reached him and grabbed his arm . "I can explain just hear me out " I begged him , "how the fuck do you explain the fact that you had a boyfriend this entire time " he yelled.

I sighed , " I didn't , well I did but I didn't " he looked at me confused . "Josh is the guy I liked that Ashley got with , we'd been together but not dating for a few months and all the drama with Ashley happened a few days before I left. So technically we never ended it , but I have no feelings for him at all just for you I swear " I said tears threatening to spill .

"Then why is he calling asking about you " he yelled , "I don't know baby I haven't spoken to him since I left " I said as a tear fell.

He took a deep breath . "She's just trying to start some shit with us because she wants you " I said .

"I believe you Han , I just need a minute to take everything that just happened in " he said and walked away.

Why does it just feel like I just lost him.

I wipe my face with my hands and head back , this bitch isn't going to get away with this .

I head outside and everyone's eyes are on me , "you have some fucking nerve coming here and trying to start shit with us " she turned around and flashed an innocent smile "I have no idea what you're talking about " "stop acting like a dumb bitch when you know exactly what you're doing " her smile dropped . "I think you need to calm down , I just thought you'd want to know that josh called asking about you " she said .

Kairi steppes I front of me , "Han let's go inside it's not worth it " , "Kairi you better get out of my fucking way " he puts his hands up and moves to the side but stays close.

She had this smug look on her face because she'd gotten exactly what she wanted , attention. That's when I realized I was only feeding her ego right now . "You know what , you're right . It's not worth it , you may be the one that made him mad but I'm still the one getting make up sex tonight . We aren't the same" I shot her my most innocent smile and walked over to Victoria . I swear her jaw Almost dislocated because of how fast it dropped.


The party was officially over , all of us were sleeping at Alejandro's because no one was sober enough to drive . I headed inside to look for Mattia when I saw him in the kitchen with Ashley .

She was standing in front of him while he was backed against the counter . "I'm really sorry you had to find out about her like that " she twirled her hair around her finger . "You deserve so much better and honestly I think I could provide " she moved closer and ran her fingers through his hair.

I was done , I didn't want to see anymore . Tears were streaming down my face . Maybe she did always get what she wanted. I ran up the stairs to Alejandro's room and passed out on the bed.

Mattia's POV

I grabbed her wrist , "don't fucking touch me , I know what you did " she plastered on her fake smile.
I saw a small shadow run past the door and I knew she'd been watching . This was honestly just so fucked up I'll explain to her tomorrow what happened.

"Oh did Hannah tell you what happened back home because she's been known to lie a bit" she said .

"To be honest she's my girl so I believe her , but go ahead and entertain me with your side" I said.

She hopped onto the counter and sat on the edge of it . " she keeps telling everyone I kissed the guy she was with when that's not what happened, he was impatient and bored of her so he wanted something a bit more exciting and he kissed me " I rolled my eyes at her "so what I'm still hearing is you kissed him in the end " she giggled "yea but only because he initiated it" and she shrugged it off like it was nothing .

"You're honestly so dumb , you were her best friend and you kissed the guy she like regardless of the circumstances. You're just fake and toxic end of story " and with that I left the kitchen .

I went up to Alejandro's room, she was passed out in her dress . She was shivering, make up stained her cheeks , she'd been crying , fuck. "baby , get under the blankets " I said and she stirred awake and climbed under the blankets. I took off my jeans and hoodie and just slept in the t-shirt and a jockey .

I climbed in next to her and she immediately cuddled into my chest . I know she's mad at me and tomorrow was going to be hell , but right now everything was perfect . I kissed her forehead and played with her hair until I fell asleep aswell.


Hannah's POV

I woke up in bed alone , which was odd because usually Mattia won't get up till I'm awake.

I put on his hoodie that I found on the floor over my dress and headed downstairs. Everyone was awake and busy cleaning . Ashley was following Mattia around like a lost puppy and I could see he was trying to avoid her .

"Morning sleepy head grab a bag and get cleaning " Robert yelled at me and I laughed .

I started helping , when Mattia stopped next to me , "can I talk To you " , " why don't you go speak to Ashley " I said bluntly . "Baby please " I looked up at him and he flashed his puppy dog eyes . Agh he knows I hate it when he does that because I can't say no . "Fine" I said and followed him outside.

"Listen I'm sorry about how I reacted last night I do genuinely believe you " he said , "what happened in the kitchen " I blurted out . His eyes fell , "nothing , I know it seems hard to believe considering what you saw but she was trying to do something but I stopped her " he said . I looked at him in the eyes for a while . Mattia couldn't lie to me if I looked him in the eyes . "Okay I believe you " I said .

"I stayed up a bit last night and realized I waited too long for this , for us , to let this get between us and we've honestly been through a lot worse. " he laughed at the last part .

He pulled me in for a hug , it felt like home . He was home . I stood on my toes and kissed him .

"Listen I've been wanting to say something for a while I -" I cut him off and kissed him again "I love you too " he seemed shocked " how'd you know I was gonna say that " , "I heard you when we went to sleep on Christmas morning " he smiled shyly .
"I love you , so much " he tilted my chin up to kiss him again.

Vic came out , "okay so what happened last night " Mattia took that as his que to head inside and I filled her in on everything .
She was just as pissed as I was and went to tell Ale .

"Ashley, yo you gotta leave " he said . She looked up at him shocked "what ,why ?" .
"Because you tried to start shit with my friends and cause crap between them , and if you mess with one of us you mess with all of us so get out "

Her face went red in anger and she stormed out of the house .

Authors note


Because it's Christmas soon I felt like being nice and there will be another chapter up a bit later ❤️

Speak to you guys again soon 💋

- Han ❤️

A Foreign Exchange - Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now