2 weeks

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Mattias POV

It's about 2 weeks before Hannah has to leave ..

It's killing me inside to think about her not being here and not getting to see her everyday, but I have to be strong for her .

She's been insanely off lately , well not off but quiet and she won't tell me it's bothering her but I can see it .

We're all at school sitting around a lunch table , Hannah is laying on my shoulder while everyone else talks about pointless drama , when suddenly she bursts into tears and gets up and leaves the table . Vic runs after her to the bathroom I assume .
"It's killing her and I hate that I can't do anything to help her . " I sigh my head falling into my hands . " I have an idea but it's going to take some planning " said Aria and then started describing her plan .

Hannah's POV

I couldn't anymore , all of them happy was honestly breaking my heart not because I wanted them to be sad but because I was gonna miss them all so much . I just about got into the bathroom when Vic came running in . " babe are you okay ?" She asked concerned . "Yea it's just reality hitting that im going to have to leave you all soon " I sniffed . She embraced me in a hug "don't worry about that yet we still have some time " she said trying to console me . Aria walked in , "I just came to check if you were okay " she said joining us over at the sink , "yes I'm okay " they both embraced me in a group hug " I know let's have a sleep over for old times sake and to get you're mood up " she said my face lit up and I nodded , a sleepover was exactly what I needed .

I walked out of the bathroom to find Mattia leaning against a wall outside , "are you feeling a bit better ?" He asked standing over me , I embraced him in a hug " now I am " I said as I sighed into his chest while he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head .

I pulled out of the hug and he interlaced our fingers as we walked to class , "the girls and I are having a sleepover at Arias house could you drop me off ?" I asked looked up and him , "sure babe , the guys and I might have one too so I'll drop you off on the way "


When we got home I packed my bags , i packed a pretty big bag since Aria said we could sleep over for the entire weekend and we were bunking school tomorrow .

I dragged my bag down the stairs and into the living room where Mattia was waiting , "here let me help you " he chuckled as he watched me struggle with the bags . He picked up my bags with almost no effort and put them in the trunk of his car . "Are you ready to go" he asked and I nodded.

We had just about gotten into the car when my phone rang it was Aria ,

"Hey "


"What's up"

So listen something came up with my parents so we can't have the sleepover anymore I'm sorry

And then she just hung up , "what's wrong " asked Mattia , "nah aria cancelled the sleepover " I said sulking a bit , I was looking forward to it so much . "I'll tell you what , I'll bail on the sleepover with the boys and we can go somewhere instead " he said and looked over at me I could barely smile cause I'd slipped back into the reality of having to leave but I nodded anyway .

We drove for a really long time and I must've fallen asleep because I felt Mattia shaking me awake , "babe cmon wake up we're here" I opened my eyes to find us outside a giant log cabin in the woods "woah, what are we doing here " I said getting out of the car when suddenly everyone came running out , Kairi , Aria ,Vic , Alejandro, Robert and even Alvaro and Roshaun . I ran screaming towards them and they all embraced me in a hug . "Surprise " yelled Aria . "It was all my idea and luckily Kairis mom agreed to let us use their cabin for the weekend " I gave her a giant bear hug I couldn't believe how much effort they all put in for me . "And even you guys " I said gesturing to Roshaun and Alvaro . "We thought we'd come down before you left so we could spend some time together " said Alvaro . "I missed you guys so much " I said as they hugged me .

A Foreign Exchange - Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now