The Airport

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Mattia's POV

I said bye to the boys and stumbled inside . Vic and Aria were sitting in the living room watching Netflix . "Where's Han" I asked , "why do you care ?" Snapped Aria , Vic nudged her side . "What happened to your hand " asked Vic , "I punched a fucking wall " I said

I sat down on the floor in front of them and they both looked down at me , my eyes were threatening to start crying again but I tried to keep it in. "I fucked up , I didn't mean to say everything I did, I just have a really bad habit of saying things to hurt people when I'm hurt " I sighed . They looked at each other and then back at me . "She passed out after we got here she was crying so much Mattia " said Vic . A tear fell " it's just like everything keeps going wrong when it comes to us " , "that doesn't mean you should stop fighting for it , I mean you messed up big time and she's with Mar now so you're going to have to respect that but at least try to apologize so that you guys can be friends " suggest Aria .

"She hates me , why would she want to forgive me ?" I looked up at them , they both gave me sympathetic looks . "I genuinely care about her so much I'm just horrible at showing it " they nodded in agreement . "Maybe just start small and don't force anything , you know take it slow " added Vic . "Are you guys going to the airport tomorrow ?" I asked . "Yea were going with my car " said Vic . "Could you give me a ride to Alvaros to get my car ?" , "yea sure I'll take you before we go so that Hannah doesn't get too upset ." My heart sank she really wanted nothing to do with me . "Okay thanks " I said and then sat there a bit more thinking before I got up and went to bed .

I got downstairs and decided to go live because I had to be up again in about 2 hours and sleeping would do more damage right now . Everyone kept asking about Hannah and Mar or just Hannah and I . It got irritating fast "yea they're dating now can you guys stop asking me about them " I snapped . Which only triggered more questions as to why I was getting pissed so I ended the live and rather went to play some fifa . I was beyond mad but I couldn't do much about it now I had to just accept what was going on and move on , or at least try to .

I got up showered about 20 mins before Vic said she'd take me to get my car , showering was such a mission because of the cast . I went upstairs and they were passed out on the couch . "Yo bitches wake up " I said shaking them awake . They both stirred awake "I just need to put a hoodie on then I'll drive you " said Vic while Aria went upstairs to wake Hannah . We hopped in Vics car but it wouldn't start , "its probably the cold " I said and she turned the key a few more times trying. "I'll have to walk " I said , "where are your keys even ?" She asked looking at me . "Fuck " I said hitting my head on the dashboard realizing I had no idea . "I'll have to message the boys and say we need a lift, worse case scenario we'll have to squeeze in one car " I said . Vic looked at me worriedly , "I don't know Hannah's pretty mad " , "look we can't do anything right now she'll have to just deal " I shrugged it off . "It'll give me an excuse to apologize aswell" she nodded in agreement.

We headed back inside because it was freezing outside , Alejandro said they'd be here in 20 mins to get us . Hannah and Aria came down the stairs and she froze a bit when she saw me and then carried on walking down into the living room . Alejandro messaged to say he was outside . We all went out and tried to arrange a way to sit , Ale was driving , Vic sat in the front seat , Robert ,Kairi and myself at the back with Aria on Kairi's lap and Hannah on mine . She definitely wasn't happy about this but she didn't want to sit on Roberts lap either .

She sat down and I actively had to try not to get hard , that would really ruin the whole plan I had here but she was just so damn attractive. "Hannah" I whispered into her neck and I could see the goosebumps form on her skin, I'm glad I still had an effect on her . She ignored me , "Hannah please just hear me out " , "no I don't want anything to do with you " she snapped back loud enough for everyone to hear , which made the rest of the car ride extremely awkward.

We eventually got to the airport and met up with Alvaro and Roshaun . I pulled Hannah aside while everyone else was saying their goodbyes , she shot me an annoyed glance , " I just wanted to apologize, I was being an asshole and you didn't deserve anything of what I said " , her eyes glazed over ." I really know I fucked up and I'd understand if you don't want to forgive me but I really am sorry about everything I did and said" she didn't say anything and just nodded . We started walking back towards the group , "it's okay , well not okay but I forgive you " she said before we reached the rest and then she went over to say goodbye to them . My eyes were stinging , honestly I've never cried so much in my whole life like I did in this past week. It was my turn I went over and hugged them both " you know you're my brothers for life and I'll see you guys soon, also I'm sorry about the last couple weeks I should've spent them with you two instead of doing the shit I was " I said as the tears threatened to fall again , "don't worry about it bro , everything happens for a reason , we'll see you soon " said Roshaun . We all had a huge group hug with the girls in the middle and then took a couple pictures before their flight finally got called . The walked through the gates and gave a final wave goodbye while the rest of us stood there . Tears were actively falling now and I felt a small person hug me from behind , my heart jumped because I thought it was Hannah but it turned out to just be Kairi . I turned ,hugged him and laughed a bit .

We all decided to go hang at My house , the girls went up to Hannah's room after we got home while the guys came down to my room . Everything was extremely quiet and tense , "I owe you guys an apology too , I fucked up and did a lot of shit I'm not proud of and just left you guys and for that I'm sorry " , "you know we are always here for you no matter what " Ale said .

We chilled and got some pizza , while were sitting and eating when Kairi spoke up , "so listen we need to tell you something " I looked up confused , " after we dropped you at home we went back to the party to help clean up and whatever when we saw Mariano and Gianna acting super cozy " I could feel my anger rising " we don't know if there's something going on or not and we don't want you to jump to conclusions but we think someone needs to tell Hannah " Kairi finished . "Why can't you tell her I just think it's a bad idea if it came from me right now she's not going to listen or believe anything I say, she'll think I made the whole thing up " I responded , " we aren't saying something's happening but it just looked suspicious " Ale added . I just nodded , I had no idea what to do , if I tell her she'll hate me again but if I don't and she finds out I knew she'll hate me aswell . It was a lose lose scenario.

After everyone left , I went up to Hannah's room and knocked on the door , "come in " she shouted over some music , I walked in and she was laying on her bed in one of his hoodies and some shorts . "Can we talk ? " I asked , she nodded and sat up making space for me on the bed . I sat down on the edge . " so listen I need to tell you something and you can't get mad at me " she raised her eyebrow "okaayyy what's up " she asked cautiously. I took a deep breath , " so the guys told me something , apprently when they dropped me off here this morning after the hospital they went back to the party . The apparently saw Mar and Gianna looking very cozy together. " she had no expression on her face ." They aren't sure if anything hap-" "get out" she interrupted me ,"what ?" I said , "get out of my room " . "Just wait hear me out please " I said standing up , "no get out , you're honestly so fucked up for making something like that up just because you're jealous, just because it happened to you doesn't mean it'll happen to me " she snapped , "I'm not making it up , Kairi legit told me " ," oh yea then why didn't Kairi just tell me " she said crossing her arms . Crap I knew I shouldn't have been the one to tell her . " I swear I'm not making this up " I said trying to plead with her , "get out and leave me alone for good " she spat . "Fine but when you find out I wasn't lying don't come running back to me" I spat and walked out slamming the door .

Authors note
So this is the first chapter entirely in Mattia's POV so let me know what you guys think and if I should do more from his perspective?

I just wanted to say thank you so much for 21K reads this is all so insane 🥺😭❤️

Let's try and get this chapter to 45 votes then I'll post the next one ❤️

Thank you again for all the love
-Han 💋m

A Foreign Exchange - Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now