The game

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It was the last week before school closed for Christmas, it's also the boys last soccer game of the season today.

The girls and I were sitting on the bleachers when the guys came over , " I don't want to go to the mall later " Kairi complained to Ale as they walked over , "shut up bro you'll never tell her that " Ale responded rolling his eyes , "yea I will , I have no energy for it " he said crossing his arms trying to look intimidating when Aria rushed over to him and embraced him in a hug , she pulled back a bit and they kissed "we still on for the mall later babe " she smiled at him , we all watched Kairi in anticipation, then he melted and his eyes softened looking at her , he sighed "yes love " she hugged him again and all the boys broke out laughing at him. He really was like a lovesick puppy .

Ale and Vic are basically back together but they're keeping it on the down low so that she doesn't get as much hate online . They stood near the railing arguing like a married couple , which made all the girls laugh. They were honestly such goals together.

Mattia was sitting on the bleachers now just staring at the field . I went over and sat next to him , "what's up princess" I said as I sat down . He stayed quiet, I could tell he was nervous , it was the first time the coach was letting him off the bench since the last time . "What if I play like shit again " he said still staring at the field , "you've been practicing like crazy and you're in a better headspace so you'll be fine " I said placing my hand on his shoulder . He turned and smiled at me , the whistle went off and the boys all got up and kissed their girls bye and started pulling Mattia . "Hold up " I said running after him , he turned and looked down at me , I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him on his cheek "goodluck , you'll play great " I said and he smiled . Kairi ran back and pulled him again "c'mon dude we need to go " Mattia ran backwards still staring at me . I smiled and went to sit with the girls who were all losing their minds about me kissing him on the cheek .


"GO MATTIA" we all yelled as he scored their 4th and wining goal just as the last whistle blew . All the boys ran up to him hugging him , they ended up wining 4-3 with Mattia scoring 2 of the goals .

Mattias POV

I just scored the winning goal as the entire team came running up to me losing their minds . We shook all the other players hands and the coach came up to me , "maybe I should've taken you off the bench sooner , well played Mattia " he said , "thanks coach".

All the girls came running down to the field and Hannah ran up to me, I picked her up and spun her around a few times . I put her down and kissed her on the cheek "you played great" She said smiling up at me "guess you're my goodluck charm now " I said . "I guess so" she giggled . I don't know what it was that made me play better but it definitely had something to do with her.

We all went over to Kairi's house to celebrate , all the soccer boys and the girls . The girls were mostly in the kitchen while all of us were in the living room . Hannah and Aria brought in the pizza , I couldn't take my eyes off her . Everything about her just made me happy all the time now . She caught me staring and smiled shyly and I smirked at her before she went back into the kitchen where the rest of the girls were .

Hannah's POV

Everyone was starting to leave and Mattia came up behind me , "you ready to go ?" He whispered in my ear and I nodded . We said goodbye to everyone and walked to the car , he put his arm around my shoulder " I can't thank you enough for today " he said .


We were chilling in his room and I decided to go live on his TikTok , " wussup guys" I said as the viewers started joining.

"Why are you live on Mattias account " Someone asked , "my phones dead and were bored " I said .

"I'm gonna go shower I'll be back soon don't kill her with questions" he said and came over to check how many people were in the live , "don't forget to take your clothes in with you unless you want to give them a show " I joke and the comments went wild . He just laughed and the went to the bathroom .

"Are you and Mariano still together " someone asked , "uhm no we haven't been for almost a month now " I responded.

I answered as few more questions until Mattia finally came out and stood behind me at the chair , "your hairs dripping on me " I squealed leaning out of the way , he laughed and the shook his hair like a wet dog "ahhhh" I screaming and pushed his head away .

"They're so cute " was all we saw in the comments after that .

We both laughed , Mattia started talking to them and played some music .

" who remembers when they went live and played chicken " someone commented and we laughed remembering that day.

"Don't bring it up Mattia hates the fact that he lost " I said , "I only lost cause you caught me off guard " he said rolling his eyes , "nah you got nervous because I was girl " he just laughed .

"Rematch" someone commented which triggered hundreds of people to say the same thing, I looked at him , "you down to lose again " I asked wriggling my eyebrows . " you're gonna lose this time" he said .

We both stood up and moved the phone so everyone could see , "you guys are gonna have to judge who wins because Hannah likes to cheat " he said to the phone .

We stood and looked at each other and I started laughing "c'mon take this serious " he said , "okay okay " I said trying to stop laughing .

I stood up and looked at him "I should've worn heels to make this fair " I sighed he chuckled . He looked so hot but I was trying real hard not to get distracted right now . He leaned down a bit and I tried the trick of me standing on my toes again but he didn't flinch this time he just moved back a bit . I wobbled trying to keep my balance and grabbed onto his shoulder to support myself .

He tried not to laugh , we both leaned closer , we were inches from each other's face both refusing to lose . He eyes went down to my lips and back to my eyes . He bit his lip as I looked down at his . He put his hands on my waist and I moved closer closing off any distance between us . We're we still playing the game .

He leaning in even more our lips were basically touching , he looked down at my lips again and the back into my eyes . Without anymore hesitation he closed the gap and kissed me .

Authors note
Heeeyyy guys 👀👀

Please don't kill me for the cliff hanger , but you know I had to do it .

Thank you guys for all supportive comments and messages I've been getting it honestly means so much to me ❤️❤️

Thank you all for reading this book with y'all it would literally be nothing 💋

Let's try and get this to 65 votes for the next chapter ?? 👀

Love you guys sm
P.s also send through some suggestions of cute things they could do .

-Han 💋

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