Victoria's secret

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It was finally thanksgiving, the whole day kinda confused me because we never celebrated it in South Africa but I just went along with it . We were going out for supper with some of Mattias extended family which I now had to meet .

Camila and Mattia had a super long talk this morning and spoke everything out , there were a lot of tears and some shouting but in the end everything worked out , he was no longer grounded which meant we could finally all hang out together again . Mattia and I had gone back to our old selves and we were closer than ever .

I had just gotten out of the shower and put my outfit on and started doing my hair and make up I went for this outfit :

I had just gotten out of the shower and put my outfit on and started doing my hair and make up I went for this outfit :

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And simple curls with a slightly smoky eye . I also threw on simple nude heels , I didn't want to over do it mostly because I was meeting a lot of Mattia's family today . Which made me extremely nervous.

I went down stairs , Mattia was wrestling with Gianluca when I reached the bottom , he looked so attractive . There was something different about him , he seemed genuinely happy for the first time in weeks and the smile he had made him irresistible ( not that he wasn't already before )

He also did something different to his hair , he was wearing this :

I sat down on the arm of one of the couches , Mattia stopped wrestling with Gianluca and stared at me , " you look very pretty Hannah " said Gianluca , "thanks handsome" I replied , Mattia hit him over the head , "I was gonna say that" he said and...

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I sat down on the arm of one of the couches , Mattia stopped wrestling with Gianluca and stared at me , " you look very pretty Hannah " said Gianluca , "thanks handsome" I replied , Mattia hit him over the head , "I was gonna say that" he said and Gianluca ran inside to the kitchen . "You do look very beautiful " he said standing up and moving closer to me , "thank you Mattia , I like your hair like this " I stood up and ran my fingers through it . The heels made me nearly his height , it was very odd to be able to look him in the eyes straight on , it was actually pretty intimidating. "I'm glad you like it " he smirked , "I hope you're ready for a Polibio thanksgiving " . I shrugged " I'm pretty nervous to be honest " . He sat down on the arm of the couch now " don't stress too much I'll be there if you need anything " he said .

Camila came in and told us to get ready to leave , I grabbed my bag and followed Mattia to the car . We were driving separately because Mattia couldn't wait to drive his car again . He opened the passenger side door for me and the walked over to the drivers side .

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