Inside joke .

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I woke up next morning, with a slightly bad feeling in my gut. I don't know I just had a feeling that something really bad was going to happen. On a lighter note today is my first official practice with the girls varsity soccer team so I was looking forward to that .

Because I wasn't feeling quite like myself I didn't put much effort into what I wore , I just ended up putting on a pair of jeans and a hoodie with some vans. Mattia has been on my case the whole morning about what was wrong with me . "What's up you seem down?" He asked for like the 5th time , "I don't know Mattia I just have a bad feeling and I don't know why " I shrugged now getting irritated with him .

We drove to school and I was blasting some J.cole , he kept a looking over to check on me . When we pulled into school he put his hand on mine "hey I don't know what's up but I hope you feel better soon and if you need to talk just know I am here " he said , I smiled " thanks Mattia." I leaned over and hugged him . " oh and by the way Kairi and I are coming to watch your practice this afternoon " and then he got out so that I couldn't argue with him about it .

Vic and I hung out for most of the day and then met up with the boys for lunch and home room . "Hannah , Vic you guys have to come over to our friend Mar's for Halloween he's having a party because he's back in town " said Kairi, I looked at Vic she seemed so excited " yea we'll come " I said laughing at how happy she got . She went to sit by Alejandro, things were getting kind serious between them now it's extremely cute . I hung out with the guys and made a couple TikTok's .

After school I ran to the locker rooms to change cause I was pretty late . I was lacing up my shoes when I heard a voice say " you just can't seem to keep your hands off my man can you " . I didn't need to look up to see who it was . " you seriously need to chill out " I said mocking her tone and finally standing up to look at her . "And you seriously need to be kept on a leash " she spat "says the bitch " I added before walking out . I don't have the energy to be dealing with this every practice I even considered joining cheer so I could rather hang out with Victoria instead .

I walked out onto the field and saw Kai and Mattia sitting on the bleachers . They both waved when I came out . Practice was going pretty average until we spilt into teams to play for the last 10 mins . The coach made Gianna and I captains and let us pick our teams .

It was the last couple minutes and I had the ball when suddenly someone tripped me . Gianna. I fell but before she could run away with the ball I grabbed her ankle causing her to fall aswell . Everyone knew a fight was coming so Mattia and Kairi came running off the stands and the coach came running over aswell. "You've been trying to start something so now here's your opportunity to do it " I shouted and shoved her back when she grabbed my hair and started pulling it ,"you still think you're all that " she spat but then someone pull her off me it was Mattia . " I liked it better when your boyfriend pulled my hair " I spat as he put her down , everyone gasped except Kairi and Mattia who burst out laughing catching the reference . "What ?!" Gianna screamed at Mattia who's smile suddenly dropped , " chill , it's an inside joke " he said starting to look really pissed off . " don't fucking tell me to chill ,  you're MY boyfriend yet you never defend me to her you always just stand there quiet as fuck " " maybe it's because you're always trying to start some shit with her when she did nothing to you ." He said moving away from her . " honestly I'm over this whole relationship and fighting over something that's not even worth it " he said softly . " then pick ." She shouted gesturing between myself and her . "Enough" shouted the coach , " Gianna , principals office now , clearly from all of this it sounds like you're the one who's been provoking miss wells " . She walked off but turned around to shoot Mattia a death look .

I was beyond pissed and started walking off the field aswell , "Hannah wait " I heard Mattia shout after me and I stopped and turned around ,"what Mattia ?" I asked irritated . "Woah , why are you pissed at me I took your side ?" He asked throwing his hands up . "Maybe because for once she's right , you do need to pick one and decide because there's too much back and forth , too much fighting for something and someone who's not mine . " he looked at me with a bit of confusion "what are you trying to say ? " he asked , "fuck Mattia I like you , and I don't know if you're just blind not to see it or if it was cause of Gianna but there I said it " I stormed off.

Authors note
I know it's a really short chapter but I did wanna leave on a bit of a cliffhanger before I added too much drama into it 😹😹
I'm so excited for you guys to see how Mar makes an appearance and Hector might even pop up aswell
Thank you again for all the reads
And don't forget to vote ⭐️❤️

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