I'd do anything in my power to see you smile

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Mattia's POV

I walked downstairs fuming , how could she think I'd make something like that up just because I was jealous. I mean yeah I am but that's low even for me . When I got downstairs my parents were home . Crap.

"MATTIA " she yelled , "yes mama " I said walking into the kitchen . She stood against the counter with her arms folded  while my dad sat on a chair . "Why did I get a call from the hospital saying they're charging my medical aid for x-rays" , I showed her my hand that I'd been hiding behind my back . "Mattia baby what happened " she said rushing forward worriedly . "I'm fine mama just broke a few fingers, I punched a wall " , "again Mattia " said my father . "I'm sorry papa it was at Alvaros house and it wasn't dry wall so theirs no damage to the actual wall " I added while he just shook his head .

"Where is your car Mattia ?" Asked my mom , " at Alvaros house I lost my keys " I said backing away a bit because I knew they'd be pissed now . Both of them just sat there and looked at each other and back at me , "I'll go call a tow truck and get a spare key made "said my dad and walked out of the kitchen . My mom was frowning , "Mattia I'm done with all of this " she said , "mama I promise nothing like this will happen ever again " I pleaded , "that's what you said 2 years ago and look now , no , you're grounded , after thanksgiving we can talk about this again" she said , " mama please " I begged , "no Mattia , also this means no boys, no going out ,nothing . You will focus on school since your grades have been slipping and soccer " she added . I just nodded she wasn't wrong . "I am extremely disappointed in you , I trusted you that you had everything under control since we weren't speaking but now you've left me no choice " she said walking out of the kitchen .

Nothing makes you feel worse than your parent saying that they're disappointed in you , I walked down to my room . She wasn't wrong I did need to get my shit together maybe this was just a push to start .

Hannah's POV

It's been a few weeks since Mattia and I last spoke . After he made up that story about Mar I haven't spoken to him again .

Mar and I have gotten a lot closer , it's been crazy at school with all the tests and projects so we've been studying at his house and he's actually super smart so he's been helping me a lot . Mattia's been grounded so he barely leaves his room at home and at school we mostly avoid each other .

It's been a really crappy couple of weeks aside from that , Vic and Alejandro ended things and even though we're all still close there's a lot of tension in the group from both them and Mattia and I . She was really heartbroken, they ended it on mutual terms but I knew they both didn't really want to honestly , she'd been getting overwhelmed with all the fame and attention from his TikTok fans and I think them "not working " was just an excuse .

It was now a Friday afternoon , Aria , Vic and I were going to watch the boys play after school . I couldn't stay for the full game cause Mar and I had a project due Monday so I was meeting him at his house .
"Han " I heard Kairi call me over , "what's up shorty " I said , " you're not even that much taller than me " he said grumpily , " listen I know you and Mattia have some beef going on but he wanted to speak to you , he's in the locker room " I didn't respond I just nodded and then wished him luck . I walked into the empty locker room to see Mattia sitting on a bench sulking , " hey " I said softly , "Hey , listen I didn't mean to send Kairi but I figured you wouldn't listen if I called you " . "I'm sorry , I had no right to get involved in your relationship I just needed to tell you Incase it was true " he said , "even though it isn't , I do appreciate the apology " I said folding my arms , "I miss you , I haven't spoken to you in forever and we live in the same house , I hate it . You became one of my closest friends and I miss that " he said as I sat down next to him , " I miss you too " I said leaning my head onto his shoulder , "you should probably head out soon the game is about to start" I said sitting up straight . "I'm benched because I haven't been to so many practices and I've been playing kinda crappy these last couple of games so they benched me till next week " he sighed .He really had lost pretty much everything . 

We walked out and he went to sit on the bench while I walked over to the stands to sit near Vic and Aria . "What was that about ?" Asked Vic , " he just wanted to apologize for making that stuff up about Mar and Gianna"  I replied .  It was about half time when I left , Mar stayed a few blocks from the school so I just walked to his house .

I knocked on the door and his mom opened up , "hi Hannah " she said pulling me into a hug , "hello Mrs Castano" I said hugging her back . "Mar is upstairs in his room , you're welcome to head up " I smiled and walked up the stairs .

When I reached the door I opened it .

I found Gianna straddling Mariano while they made out , my mouth fell open to say something but nothing came out . They both broke apart in freight , "what are you doing here ? " he said pushing her off him , "I- I thought I'd come by earlier so we could order some food before we started " I said slowly taking the whole situation. "Hannah I can explain " he said grabbing my arms with his hands I pulled away , "please do try to explain all of this . Did you even really like me " I yelled I honestly didn't care if his mom could hear actually I hope she did . Gianna sat on the bed with a smug look .

Marianos facial expression changed drastically and he started laughing , "honestly no , I just didn't want Mattia to have you and I did everything I could to make sure he didn't " he said and Gianna started giggling . "You were just some collateral damage for a bigger picture of getting Mattia back for sending me away for a year" he added faking a sad face , I nodded "okay cool , I really hope you got everything you wanted "i said finally and left I refused to let them see me cry no matter how badly I wanted to break down and throw a fit .

I left his house and realized there was no one to fetch me , I couldn't call Vic because she went out with her parent after the game , Mattia's keys got taken away and Camilla and Luca had gone away for the weekend . So I started walking , Mattias house wasn't too far maybe a 15-20 mins walk .

I walked down the streets with all the images of what just happened flashing through my head , I cannot believe Mattia had been telling the truth I owed him the apology now it seemed . More importantly I cannot believe how petty Mariano was too keep this whole thing up just as some sick revenge scheme . As I turned into Mattia's street  it started raining , could this day get any better .

I got home and opened the front door , I took off my Vans that were now soaked aswell as the hoodie I had on . I went downstairs I needed to apologize to Mattia , he was sitting on his bed doing some homework. He looked up as I came in "woah what happened to you , you look like a wet rat " he said giggling a bit , I stopped dead in my tracks I couldn't keep it in anymore I burst into tears and covered my face with my hands . "Woah woah wait I didn't really mean it " he said rushing over to me and giving me a hug , "what's going on ?" He said with a concerned tone in his voice , I pulled out of the hug , "I'm so sorry for accusing you of lying to me and making up that story about Mariano and Gianna" I finally said after I stopped crying for a bit , his face immediately switched to anger "what did he do " I practically growled, "I went over to study and walked in on them making out " I said barely getting the last word out before I started crying again. I expected him to lose it or to say I told you so but instead he just pulled me into a deeper hug and rubbed the top of my head a bit . "I'm really so sorry " I said , "don't be sorry Han , he's a dick that honestly never deserved you " he said still hugging me . "You wanna order some pizza and watch a Disney movie?" He asked as he pulled my head back gently to wipe my tears , "you'd really sit through a Disney movie for me ?" I said a little shocked

"I'd do anything in my power to see you smile " he said .

Authors note

I'm super sorry for going MIA on her for a couple days but I've just been crazy busy with somethings .

Thank you so much for all the reads and votes they all mean insanely so much to me to see that you guys are enjoying the books . Also please comment more I honestly love reading them and they make me laugh.

Let's try and get this chapter to 50+ votes then I'll drop the next chapter.

Thank you guys again for everything ❤️
-Han 💋

A Foreign Exchange - Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now