I love you

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We woke up at 9 so we could head over to Alvaros to say goodbye before we left . It was a pretty short visit but getting to see them honestly made the whole festive season feel a million times better.

They drove us to the airport and then we all said our final goodbyes , I ended up crying again but Mattia hugged me until I calmed down .

We boarded the plane and got comfy , "so what's the plan for Christmas presents ?" Asked Mattia , " uhm so the girls and I discussed doing secret Santa between the 6 of us to get them something small and then buying something something for our uhm ... partner " I laughed , "partner ?" He raised his eyebrow. "You know like Aria will get something for Kairi and Victoria for Ale and we'll get each other something", "oh you mean couples" he said still looking at me " yea I just didn't wanna say that cause I didn't know what we were " I rubbed my arm uncomfortably, I hated having this discussion. " oh you're mine , but we aren't dating because I haven't asked you to be my girlfriend yet " he said bluntly and shrugged as if it was nothing , " that sounds like such a fuck boy thing to say" I said . " I'm sorry " he laughed and turned in his seat to face me "you know I like you and I don't want anyone else that's why you're mine and I'm going to ask you to be my girlfriend eventually I just have to think of a plan first and I don't want to rush anything " he said with a grin and then kissed me .

I was speechless , the conversation went better than I thought it would've .

When we got home we took our bags inside and the headed to the mall to pick out gifts last minute shopping was my least favorite thing to do but we didn't have much of a choice , I got Aria for secret Santa and Mattia got Kairi .

"What do you want for Christmas " he asked me while we were driving , "I don't know I'm not extremely materialistic so you could get me something dumb and I'd love it just because it came from you " he smiled . "What do you want " I asked , "you " he smirked and I just laughed . That was no help.

We split up at the mall to go shopping so we could get each other's gifts aswell , the mall was packed and honestly I just hoped I wouldn't run into anyone I knew .

I went into Sephora and got Aria a few things from Fenty Beauty and a gift card Incase she wanted anything else . I had no idea what to get Mattia .

I walked around for almost 30 mins until I eventually decided on what to get .

We met up again in the food court to grab something to eat . "What do you wanna get to eat " he asked while looking at Taco Bell's menu . When Suddenly I saw Gianna and Mar sitting in a booth nearby .

It felt like all the air left my body , "Han " Mattia said and then followed my gaze to where I was looking at them . I'd frozen all the pain of weeks ago came flooding back .

"Let's just get something on the way home " he said and took my hand in his and walked towards the car. "I'm sorry " I said feeling bad that I reacted how I did , "for what ?" He asked looking confused . "I don't know I probably shouldn't have reacted like that since I'm basically with you now " ," babe it affected you , and that's okay I'd be more worried if you didn't react how you did " I smiled , this boy was honestly the sweetest ever . What did I do to deserve him .


The next day for Christmas Eve we all just chilled in Mattias room watching movies and making tiktoks . It was nice to be together again and for once all of us were okay there was no drama or fights .

We also took a whole bunch of pictures and couple pictures which was a bit odd for Mattia and I because we weren't used to it .

"You guys are cute " said Aria and I covered my face while Mattia sheltered me in a hug . "Stop you're gonna make her blush and that's my job " he said.

A Foreign Exchange - Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now