Chapter 2

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"Capitals!" everyone said in shock. London rolled her eyes. "Yeah we exist," she said. "No need to act so surprised. Any way we are going to help you...or at least the ones who are still alive." "Still alive?" Japan asked. " see once a capital dies they don't come back like you guys do." London explained. "It's only me, Rome, Venice, Berlin, Ottawa, Moscow, D.C. , Beijing, Paris, and Tokyo left." None of the countries knew what to say. "But any way! Leave England out of this," she snarled. America was about to say something else when a boy's voice rang through the air. "London why are you so uptight?!" They all whirled around to see a boy with a mohawk and a curl sticking out of it. He also had bright red eyes and tons of piercings. "Who are you?!" everyone, but London said. "Who do I look like to you? A chicken!? I'm Tokyo of course!" he said smirking.
All the countries looked between Tokyo and Japan. "How are you his capital?" China asked the question they were all thinking. "We all have wondered the same thing," London sighed. "Da we have," a girl with violet eyes a white hair walked in. "I'm Moscow." Everyone except Russia quickly ran to the other side of the room. Tokyo burst into laughter while Moscow looked really confused. "Moscow is not scary! Or dangerous! Neither is Russia~" Tokyo sang loudly earning a glare from London and Moscow. "Let's just go," Moscow said, "You all have a lot of planning to do." Everyone nodded and left glaring and pushing each other. World War 3 was about to begin.

"Ve~ Do we have to fight?" Italy asked while Moscow and Tokyo were going over battle plans with London. In the end England had joined the Capitalia. (Capitalia is the name of their alliance) "I'm afraid we do," said Venice walking in with a tray of food, "But me and you could work in the infirmary if you don't want to be on the battle field." "No! I want to help!" Italy cried. "I don't want to be useless." Germany walked over and placed a hand on Italy's shoulder. "Italy, you were never useless." he said smiling. Italy smiled and hugged Germany. "W-well..we wa-want to be ca-careful..." Berlin stuttered walking into the room as well, "T-the o-others ar-are qu-quite st-strong." Moscow nodded her head in agreement and looked back down at the battle plans. The other members of Capitalia walked over to the map. "I think...." Moscow started looking over to Tokyo trying to read his expression, "We should bomb America first..and China." "Where are we going to bomb?" Russia asked his capital, his usual smile gone. "Well....I was thinking their capitals....D.C. and Beijing," Moscow explained. Tokyo banged his fist on the table startling the others. "I object!" Tokyo snarled. "You can't bomb my sister! And you can't bomb D.C." London rolled her eyes as Moscow muttered under her breath. "And why not?" Prussia asked. Tokyo glared daggers at Prussia. "If we did that she would never let me see Hawaii again." he snapped. The countries looked at each other confused. "Hawaii is his and D.C.'s daughter," London explained. "Ah okay..well if we can't bomb D.C. how about we bomb near the capital instead? Same thing with China." Japan suggested. Tokyo thought for a minute before nodding his head in agreement. "Sounds good to me," Hungary said peaking in the room. The other capitals and countries also nodded. The Capitalia was going to strike America and China first.

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