Chapter 24

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France's POV:

      I sighed as I walked down the empty least they felt empty. I knew the other nations were here, but everything was so quite. Russia, China, Zao, and Xia were especially quite. I couldn't blame them consider their family and friends had just died. It was still hard to believe this killer had killed all the capitals and now a 2P and two countries...and World. WORLD! Whoever had killed her probably either betrayed her or they were really strong.
      Suddenly, I heard a sound come from behind sounding like...laughing? Either way I wasn't staying here. As quickly as I could, I ran down the hall skidding around corners, trying to get as far away from the person laughing as possible. But no matter how fast I ran, the laughter followed me. Eventually, I came to the door to the basement. With no where else to go, I opened the door and descended down the stairs as fast as I could.
      Once I reached the bottom, I realized I had no way of seeing anything around me. This was just great. Could things possibly get worse? Just then, I saw a pair of eyes glowing in the darkness. And I guess it can get worse. "Look what we have here~" the killer said giggling. "One little nation all alone~" I stood my grounds as the killer walked toward me. I would keep standing my grounds no matter how scared I was.
      Suddenly, an idea struck me. I screamed as loud as I could, hoping someone would hear and coming running. That someone would arrive soon and help me fight World's murderer. The killer just smirked and pulled out a curved sword. He must have gotten it from Kuro or N. Korea ....maybe World, but either way this wasn't good. He attacked with no warning...and sadly I didn't think about grabbing my weapon before I left my room. I tried to dodge out of the way, but he was faster then I expected. I quickly backed away hissing in pain as I held unto my leg which had a deep cut in it.
      Before I knew what was happening, he charged at me again and swung down. Pain went zipping through my shoulder as a scream escaped my lips. Looking down, my eyes went wide. He had cut off my arm! Another burst of pain shot through me, this time in my leg as I toppled to the floor. He had also cut my leg off. Now what was I going to do? I couldn't walk or fight him and I was losing blood fast. "Let this be a lesson to those that mess with my plans~" the killer said smiling. "A-at least l-let me s-see your f-face..." I rasped, darkness slowly clouding my vision. The killer thought for a moment. "Why not? You're going to be dead soon anyways~" he said removing his mask. Who I saw shocked me to say the least. "How.....w-why?" was all I could say before I coughed up some blood. "Sorry~ I wish I could tell you but I have to go before the others find out who I am~" he said quickly running off. I tried to get up to follow him, but it was useless. The last thing I remember before falling into deep, deep darkness was someone calling my name.

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