Chapter 3

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The Capitalia finished planning the time and date of the bombings and who would be bombing who when Tokyo started coughing. "Are you okay?" Prussia asked. Tokyo waved him away. "I course I am!" he said coughing some more. London raised an eyebrow. She didn't believe a word Tokyo said. "Maybe you should rest?" Japan suggested. Tokyo nodded and walked toward the couch, but before he could reach it he collapsed. At the same time he collapsed, Japan hissed in pain as blood appeared on his uniform. They all knew right away that World War 3 had just begun...and Japan was the first on to be struck.

"Did we really have to bomb Tokyo?" D.C. asked China who was watching from an airplane as another nuclear bomb was dropped on Japan's capital. "Yes....we can't let Japan become strong like he was before, Aru," China said turning back toward his allies. America nodded his head in agreement although he didn't look like he agreed. "I still don't see why we had to bomb my brother! What if he dies!" Beijing said close to tears. "Because Tokyo is the capital of Japan. The heart." N. Korea explained. Beijing shook her head and looked back out the window at the destruction below them "Please be okay little brother," she thought, "Please be okay...."

Japan screamed in pain again coughing up some blood. Berlin and Venice were rushing around trying to help him the best they could. Russia and Germany were trying to figure out who was bombing Japan and a way to stop it. Hungary, Italy, and Prussia were trying to make Japan as comfortable as possible. "Whoever it going to pay," Moscow growled putting a blanket over Tokyo. London nodded on agreement her fingers flying over the keyboard. She suddenly drew in a sharp breath. "London? What's wrong?" England asked nervously. "I know who bombed Japan...." she said quietly. "WHO!?" everyone said as Japan shrieked in pain. London looked up at everyone. "China...and America." Russia's eyes flashed in anger. "They are going to pay, Da?" he said walking over to Japan and gently brushing his bang's out of his face. Japan opened his eyes fear clearly seen in them. "Hey London...what happens if a country dies?" England asked. "Oh? They will be born again...unless..." she didn't continue her eyes looking over at Rome, the former capital of the Roman Empire. "Unless what?" Germany asked. London sighed. "Unless their land is beyond repair." she said. Japan screamed again and Russia gently hugged Japan to his chest. "'s okay. I'm here." he said quietly. The other countries were a bit weirded out by Russia acting like this, but they ignored it. "Okay...I think it's time we bomb China." Hungary said. "Si! After what he did to Japan he deserves it!" Italy said surprising everyone. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go kick some ass!" Prussia yelled.

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