Chapter 25

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A/N: If the killer's mask didn't give it away, then you are about to find out who the killer is~ 

No one's POV:

      England paced up and down the hall nervously. After finding France's body in the basement, everyone had decided it was time to put their plan into action. England would be the bait and had to pretend to know who the killer was. Once the killer showed up and started to attack he would have to shout the word bloody to let everyone know the killer was here. Then everyone, who was hiding in the other room and would come out to help England take the killer down. Once someone had the killer pinned down, they would remove his or her mask to reveal who it was and punish them accordingly.
      Still, even with this plan England felt nervous. He sighed and said loudly hoping the killer would hear. "I can't believe he killed France. How could he...I thought I could trust him." England said wondering if he got the gender of the killer right. "I better go to tell the others before any one else dies." With that England took off for the room where everyone was hiding.
      Suddenly, a dagger flew past him hitting the wall causing him to stop in his tracks and shriek. "Bloody h*ll!" he said loudly before whirling around to face the killer. They had a new mask on now. It looked like...a fox? And it was painted white, black, and grey. "Hello England~" the killer said giggling. "So you found out my identity?" England nodded hoping the others had heard him. "Then you won't mind telling me who I am~" the killer continued causing England to pale. "Well..I..uh...." the Englishman stuttered trying to come up with a name or something. "That's what I thought." the killer growled pulling out Kuro or Japan's katana, "I don't like liars. They must pay for their crimes. And for betrayal and backstabbing their friends and family."
      The next thing England knew, was that he was pinned against the wall with the katana pressed against his throat. That's when he recognized the eyes staring at him and the killer's hair. "No...." England rasped, "How could you! We trusted you!" The killer just chuckled. "It's time for my Empire to rise again." he said, "And I might let you live if you don't tell any one~ And who knows I might let you get your empire back as well~" England's eyes went wide. "Maybe...I can trick him....into thinking I'm on his side long enough for the others to arrive..but he's quite smart. So I'll have to be careful." England thought. "Well? What's your answer British Empire?" the nation pinning England against the wall asked. England made it look like he was thinking for a moment before nodding. "Yes....I'll join you. Only! Only, if you let me become an empire again." the Englishman answered and the killer let him go. "Come on the we have to-" the killer started but was cut off by China tackling him to the ground. The others had arrived.

Russia's POV:

      I watched as China and the killer wrestled around on the ground, the killer trying to reach Japan's katana. I quickly grabbed it so that the killer wouldn't hurt China...or any one else for that matter. After a few minutes of the two rolling around, the killer managed to knock China off and pin him to the ground. America then went to attack the killer only for a dagger to fly through the air and hit his leg. The American hissed in pain and dropped to the ground his leg useless. Canada used this distraction to jump unto the killer and pull him off of China. At the same time Canada did that, another dagger was embedded into China's shoulder causing him to shriek in pain.
      Soon, Canada was also disabled along with Austria. Now it was just me and England. I pulled out my metal pipe prepared to knock the killer's head off, but when I saw the look in England's eyes, something told me to pin the killer down instead of kill him or her. I quickly put my pipe away and I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the killer looked slightly relieved.
     Before anyone knew what was happening, I rushed at the killer and after a bit of rolling around, I was able to pin the attacker against the wall. "Time to see who you really are." I snarled glaring into the killer's eyes which were wide with fear. Why did I recognize those eyes? Why was I hesitant about finding out who the killer really was? I shoved those thoughts aside and grabbed unto the killer's mask, everyone's eyes on his or her face. I ripped the mask off...and as soon as I did, I wish I hadn't. For staring back at me...were the sad and scared eyes of my little brother...Japan.

A/N: Was this shocking?

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