Chapter 30

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No one's POV:

      Everyone gasped in shock. Instead of Japan's sword hitting Russia, it had hit Berlin digging into his shoulder causing him to stumble away growling in pain. "Berlin!" both Germany and Prussia shouted as the small capital crumpled to the floor when Japan struck him again. Germany growled in anger, pulling out his whip while Prussia pulled out his sword. Everyone else pulled out their weapon while London went over to Berlin to make sure he was still alive. "It's time for all of this to stop." England snarled at the Japanese nation. "Everyone attack two at a time?" Tokyo asked knowing that if they all attacked at once they would most likely hurt each other instead of Japan. Everyone nodded in agreement and Germany and Prussia rushed at the smaller nation.
       What happened next was a blur. Japan easily dodged Germany and Prussia's attacks and some how knocked their weapons out of their hands and disabled them. After they were struck down, Luciano and Flavio attacked and so on. Soon, the only two nations still standing were China and America. Japan turned around from his newest victim which had been poor Zao. Once he saw who he was facing, Japan's eyes narrowed. He had a great dislike for both nations at the moment. "Looks like its just us and you." America said pulling out his gun while China pulled out his wok and soup ladle. "As if. The Imperial Empire of Japan shall beat you both~" Japan sang his eyes turning reddish-orange.
      America and China charged at Japan. Quickly, Japan dodged the bullets America kept firing while at the same time trying to disable China. Growling in anger, China swung his wok hoping to hit Japan on the head, but sadly, he missed....or at least he thought he had completely missed. Hissing in pain, Japan quickly backed away from China holding unto his now useless right arm. "We might be able to win now." America said smirking, "Good job China." China was about to say something else to America, most likely about not celebrating your victories before the battle is won, when a katana ran through China's leg causing the elder nation to fall with a shriek. Japan stood over his so called brother a wicked smirk on his face as he aimed to strike the final blow when a bullet from America's gun hit his shoulder, shattering the bone.
      The Japanese nation growled in pain and whirled around on America to attack the super power. America shot another few bullets causing Japan to hiss in pain as blood splattered on the floor. "Give up Japan. You cannot win." America said walking toward the Japanese nation. "I wirr never give up!" he snarled deciding to no longer use the fake accent he had been using. "I sharr win!" America just snorted and lunged for the smaller nation who quickly dropped to the ground and rolled away leaving a trail of blood. The next thing everyone knew, America had ahold of Japan's arm and was holding his gun to the nation's head. "Ret go!" Japan snarled trying to get loose, but it was hopeless without two working arms. "Japan?" a female's voice said in shock causing all the nations and capitals to look toward the door.
      Standing in the doorway was none other then Xia. She looked scared beyond belief and was whiter than snow. "X-Xia-Kun...." Japan said eyes going wide as the turned brown again. Xia just shook her head backing away. "Wait! Prease don't reave! Ret me exprain!" Japan said quickly. But Xia just shook her head. "No..." she almost whispered. "I can clearly see who you are now...a monster. A monster that just wants the world to themselves. A monster that doesn't care about anyone..." She whirled around and ran down the hall tears flowing down her face like a stream. "No! Xia-Kun! Prease come back!" Japan cried desperately trying to get out of America's grip but to no avail. "Do you give up now?" America asked as the smaller male stopped struggling. "I'm...I'm not a monster...." Japan whispered to himself ignoring America's question. The American sighed and called certain people to come and take Japan to a special place.
      Once Japan was loaded into the back of the van, did everyone seem to relax a bit. Japan would be locked up for a while in a mental asylum. They were safe now...right?

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