Chapter 12

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Berlin's POV:

I sighed and rubbed my head. It had been hurting for days now....and I kept hearing a voice inside my head. I was afraid..afraid West Berlin would take back over me. Yeah the Berlin Wall was gone and the city was reunited as one..but pieces of the wall still remained...which is why I still have a split personality. My head started throbbing more. "Hey Berlin..are you okay?" Rome asked walking over to me. I nodded my head and sighed. He gave me a sympathetic look. You see..Prussia is a country. He is East Germany, but he doesn't know that. I've been trying to tell them all this from the beginning but no one will listen to me except Venice..and sometimes Tokyo. "They don't listen to you because you are useless~" West said his voice ringing inside my head. I sighed and tried to smile for Rome to show him that I was alright. Rome gave me a hug before leaving to go check on Tokyo. "Stay out of my head West..please!" I thought. I could hear West's laughter as it rang through my head. "Never!" I heard his voice snarl. I curled up into a ball and started crying. "P-please..j-just go aw-away!" I said sobbing. " you here that?" I stopped crying for a minute and listened for what West was talking about. "I d-don't he-hear an-anything.." I said quietly. "Not here idiot! In our country!" I strained my ears using my connection with my city. That's when I heard it and my eyes went wide. I heard planes...and people screaming.
That's when the pain hit and light exploded in my vision. I heard thousands of people screaming which soon formed into my own scream. "BERLIN!" I recognized the voice. It was Prussia's. He sounded panicked. "Of course he is..Germany is getting hurt..." I thought as I tried to stand up. I just fell back down though. That's when I felt it...the same thing I felt when my city was bombed before it was split in two. The feeling of my country dying. "No!" I thought frantically. "West help me get to him in time!" "Why should I?" West asked and if he was personified right now I bet he would have been smirking. "Please!" I thought my vision slowly growing black.
Suddenly, I heard a loud scream of anguish and pain, then pain exploded through my body. "NO! WEST WAKE UP!" I heard Prussia shouting. I knew immediately what had happened. Germany had just died. Germany had died and I couldn't do anything about it. Slowly, I stood to my feet and wiped the blood off my mouth. Now before you ask how I am still alive..let me tell you. A caital can still live even if their country dies. They are what keep the country going until their nation is reborn. Now if a capital and country die..then the nation will fall. Like China and America. I slowly limped into the other room and collapsed by my country's cold body. "Don't worry Germany...I will kill whoever did this to you.." I said quietly so the others couldn't hear me. I knew immediately that West was taking over me, for I would never say something like that. "We shall avenge our country~" his voice rang in my head. A small smirk appeared on my face. "Yes..let's kill the murderer." I thought.

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