Chapter 9

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With the countries while the capitals are in the 2P world:

"'s okay Japan.." Russia said brushing Japan's bangs out of his face. The other countries stood nearby somewhat weirded out by Russia's odd behavior towards Japan. Japan slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Russia. "It hurts so much..." he whispered. Russia gently picked Japan's head up and placed Japan's head on his lap. "You'll be okay, Da?" Russia said gently rubbing Japan's cheek. "Russia, we will be in the kitchen making some food..will you be okay staying out here with Japan?" Germany asked as Italy and Prussia walked into the kitchen. "Da. Just don't let England cook." Russia said as England snuck into the kitchen. "Ja...I won't." Germany said before following the others into the kitchen. Russia looked back down at Japan who was sleeping again. "He's so fragile...and small...hopefully he will survive the war..." Russia thought sadly. He couldn't imagine losing Japan. Japan felt like a little brother to him and was one of the only countries that didn't seem to be afraid of him. Japan's eyes opened again as if he sensed Russia's distress. "Russia-san?" he asked and Russia looked down. "Da? What is it Japan?" "Since China-san is gone...would you be my big brother?" Russia opened his mouth to answer, but no words come out. "He want's me to be his big brother?!" Russia thought happily before nodding. "Da~" he said smiling a real smile for once. Japan smiled weakly and cuddle closer to Russia for warmth. "Thank you....big brother..." he whispered before falling back asleep.
Suddenly, the mirror across the room started to glow and Tokyo fell out. "Well that was fun," he said standing up only to be knocked down again by the other capitals and the 2Ps who fell through the mirror. The other countries quickly ran in ready to fight but when they saw who it was they calmed down a bit. "Get off of me!" Tokyo yelled from the bottom of the pile. Everyone quickly stood. "Well hello poppets~" Oliver said smiling, "We have come to join the war~"

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