Chapter 26

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Russia's POV:

      I just stared at Japan, hoping that my eyes were seeing wrong. I could barely hear the others telling me to finish the job or the 2Ps arriving and being held back by their 1Ps. All I could think was, 'How could he betray us? How could my little brother hurt his friends and family?" All the while, Japan just stared back at me, eyes wide in fear and a deep...sorrow hidden in them. "Russia!" England cried out as if trying to warn me, but I ignored him. How could they expect me to kill Japan? Especially when he was 1. Already hurt really badly from the bombings and being attacked by China and America and 2. Was the new member of my family since his didn't want him.
      Suddenly, a searing pain shot through my side causing me to growl in pain as I let Japan go. Japan pulled back his katana an apologetic look on his face. That's when I noticed his katana was covered in blood, my blood. He just stared at me for a moment before taking off down the hallway. "Get him!" Luciano shouted as him and the other 2Ps ran down the hall after Japan. I just sat there stunned. He had stabbed me. And he had tried to kill those in the hallway with me. What was going through his head? I heard England calling out to me along with China as things started to grow hazy. The last thing I remember before going completely unconscious was someone screaming.

Japan's POV:

      I couldn't believe that I had been caught....and had stabbed my big brother. What was wrong with me? I mean, I meant to kill everyone else that way my Empire could rise again...but I never thought I would hurt my family. I shook the thought out of my head. Oh well, he was in the way of my escape, besides I didn't hurt him to badly.
      I shrieked in surprise as a dagger flew past me. Turning my head to look behind me, I saw, Luciano, Oliver, Zao, Allen, Matt, Victor, Flavio, and François all running after me. Probably angry at me for killing Kuro. "This isn't good...I have to find a way to escape..." I thought looking around widely. There was an air vent that I could fit into. I smirked. They wouldn't be able to follow me in there. I ran toward the air vent planning on escaping that way when suddenly, an hand grabbed my wrist yanking me backwards and causing me to hiss in pain.
      I whirled around swinging my katana at the attacker. I heard them screech and I realized it had been Flavio who had grabbed hold of me. As soon as I had hit him, his grip loosened and I quickly got away. I guess I would have to fight the 2Ps before escaping...and possibly the 1Ps if any of them were able to walk. I watched with a small smirk on my face as blood ran down Flavio's arm. But my small victory was short lived for Luciano attacked, sending tons of daggers flying at me which I either dodged or caught with ease. He looked slightly shocked that I had caught any of them. Now I was super glad I convinced Kuro to tell me each of their fighting styles while he was still alive, so now I knew what to expect.
      I dodged, slashed, jumped, and attacked as the battle with the 2Ps went on. Soon, almost all of them were disabled in one way or another. Now it was just Zao and Oliver I had to take care of. Zao jumped at me from above hoping to hit me with his weapon, while at the same time Oliver shot a spell at me. I waited until the last second and jumped out of the way causing Zao to be the one to get hit with the spell. Immediately, Zao crumpled to the ground. Lucky for Oliver, he was still breathing. I turned back toward Oliver a crazy look on my face. "Just kill him~" a little part of my mind told me. "Gladly~" I chuckled which caused the 2Ps to look slightly weirded out. I rushed at Oliver causing him to squeak in surprise and he dodged my attacks and shot more spells at me. I just giggled as he missed each time and got more frustrated.
      Soon, he looked exhausted and Matt and Allen told him to rest and fight me later. Yeah like you could just stop fighting someone in the middle of a battle. That totally happens all the time. Not! But I did use this little distraction to attack him. I landed several good blows causing him to scream in pain and the other 2Ps started trying to move over to me to stop me.
      Once Oliver was dead, I moved toward the air vent and pulled the metal grate off. Jumping inside I turned around waving goodbye to the other 2Ps. "You're going to regret this." Luciano snarled. I just chuckled. "No, because by time you find me, you'll already be dead~" I said leaving the 2Ps unnerved. I quickly crawled through the air vent until I reached on the led outside. I quickly kicked the grate off and jumped out landing on the ground. "It's nice not to have to hide any more." I said smiling brightly. "And now I get to kill everyone without fear of being found out~"

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