Chapter 5

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       Tokyo's eyes shot open. "Where's Japan!" he said trying to sit up only to shriek in pain and fall back down into his bed. "Tokyo! Your awake!" London said walking over to him. "Sh..just relax. Japan is fine." She nodded over to the hospital bed beside Tokyo's where Japan was sleeping peacefully all bandaged up. "Have you gotten China back for what he did?" Tokyo asked. London shook her head. "Not yet. We were waiting for you to wake up." A confused look spread across Tokyo's face so London explained why, "We are going to bomb China's capital...and since Beijing's your sister we wanted to check with you first." Tokyo closed his eyes and sighed. "Bomb my sister?" he thought, "Her country did bomb Japan...but is it worth it?" "Do it." Tokyo finally said, "And I want to come."
     Tokyo, Russia, and Moscow watched from the plane as the nuclear bombs truck China's capital, Beijing. Tokyo sighed. He didn't want to hurt his sister, but this was war...and war meant betrayal. It meant...death. Moscow shuddered and Russia pulled her closer to him. "Are you scared?" he asked worry filling his eyes. Moscow shook her head. "No...I just can't imagine how it feels to be bombed by a nuclear bomb." she said giving Tokyo a sympathetic look. Tokyo rolled his eyes. Why did everyone always have to treat him like he couldn't protect himself? He watched as another bomb hit Beijing and the explosion made his vision black out for a second. "Your useless! You should have never been born Tokyo!" Tokyo shook his head to clear his vision and looked over at Moscow and Russia. "Did they say that?" he thought. " sounded like someone" Another explosion blinded him again and something else appeared in his vision.
~Flashback during WW2~

"Tokyo!" Berlin snarled storming over to the smaller capital who's eyes widened in fear. "Why aren't you training?" Tokyo backed away from the angry German. "I-I need r-rest Berlin!" Tokyo said. "If I don't rest I c-could die." Berlin growled in anger and smacked Tokyo across the face sending him to the ground. "That's no excuse!" Berlin growled in anger his eyes glowing, "Now get back out there and train!" Tokyo nodded and jumped up running out unto the track. "One day...One day I will be useful..." Tokyo thought as he continued to run.
~Flashback ends~

"Hey Tokyo are you okay?" Tokyo's vision cleared and he saw Russia's face inches away from his own. "SHIT!" Tokyo yelled falling backward, "Don't scare me like that!" Russia stood back up to his full height and offered Tokyo a hand. "We landed a while ago. We should rejoin the others, Da?" Tokyo slapped Russia's hand away from him. "I can get up myself," he growled standing up and walking out of the airplane.
Soon, the three of them had rejoined the others. The capitals looked slightly upset. "What's wrong with you assholes?" Tokyo snapped. Venice glared at him. "Be nice!" she growled. Tokyo rolled his eyes and sat down across from Prussia who shifted slightly in his seat and looked the saddest out of them all. "T-Tokyo..." Berlin began but stopped when Tokyo glared at him. "Just tell me what's fucking wrong already." Tokyo growled. "It's Hungary..." London started looking at Prussia with concern, "She was shot in battle." Tokyo's eyes widened. "No..." he whispered. London nodded her head to confirm what Tokyo was thinking. "Yes Tokyo...Hungary's dead...and she's not the only one." Tokyo's eyes snapped up. "Please tell me it's not Japan." he said the worry evident in his voice. London shook her head and Tokyo started to relax. "It was Beijing." London said, "The bombs killed her....and China."

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