Chapter 17

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??? POV:

      Screams. That's all I heard in my head now. Day and night were screams of my people dying. Why was I so weak? Why couldn't I protect my country? I heard my boss chuckle. "Don't worry. Soon, everyone will learn who is truly the most powerful country, but first we just have to wait for the others to destroy each other in this war~" she said smirking. I sighed. I didn't want the others to die...even if it mean my country lived. I just wanted this war to end. For everything to go back to normal. To the way it once was. Even though I wanted this, I knew that after this war....the world would never be the same. "Oh stop pouting..." my 2P country growled as he stormed in. I glared at him. Why did he even agree to work with this...demon?! I watched as he approached the woman standing by the window. "Is everything ready." she asked as my 2P country stopped a few feet behind her. "Yes, World. Everything is ready." my country said smirking.

~With Capitalia~

3rd Person's POV:

      When the rest of the Capitalia got back from their battle, Russia noticed several members missing. The only ones left now besides him, Japan, their 2Ps and their capitals was: England, Oliver, their capital, Berlin, and Prussia. It was sad really how many of them had died. And how the Allies still had almost all their members. "Well...I suggest we give up." Moscow said after she told Russia how they were winning until China and America showed up with reinforcements. "How can you say that?!" Tokyo snapped causing Japan to wake up and earning glares from the others. "We are losing this war very badly...." London pointed out. "None of you should even be fighting to make me a country again..." Prussia said sadly...probably thinking about his lost lover and brother. Berlin slammed his fist on the table, his now ice blue eyes glaring at everyone. He had changed since Germany's death and had become more ruthless then ever, just wanting to spill any one's blood after what had happened to Germany. "No...we choose to fight. And we'll fight until we die..." Japan spoke up getting the other nations' attention. "Da, Japan is right." Russia agreed. "If we give up now...we'll definitely lose. And if we die...then we lose. Why not go down fighting?" The others thought for a few minutes before slowly agreeing. Russia smiled. "Then it's settled! We will continue this war!" he said smiling. The others shouted in agreement, their hope now restored, but if any one was paying attention, they would have noticed a certain person looking very guilty about what he was planning.

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