Chapter 22

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Berlin's POV:

      So many people have died already in the past few days...and...I'm the only capital left besides Moscow. After each capital dies there is a message written in their blood and they are missing something. Tokyo was missing his arm, Paris her hair, London her head, and so on. It's really disturbing...especially since we have no idea who is the killer. This isn't juts World War 3 any more....this a war of survival of the fittest.
      I sighed as I walked down the cold empty streets of my city. After so many deaths, everyone had agreed to come here since it was pretty much abandoned. I honestly didn't see how that helped. "Berlin?" a voice said causing me to shriek in surprise and whirl around. I sighed in relief when I saw it was only Moscow, her sightless eyes looking past me into the deep darkness only she could see. "Y-yes?" I said. I hated how I stuttered, but oh well...I can't fix that. "Mind if I walk with you? We would be safer going in pairs." she said and I nodded. "Say something idiot! She can't see!" West said loudly in my head causing me to flinch. "J-ja -you c-can..." I said feeling bad about forgetting that she couldn't see.
      Soon, the two of us were walking quietly alone an empty beach. I really didn't like how this place something bad was about to happen. Moscow suddenly stopped. "M-Moscow?" I asked giving her a questioning look. "Do you hear that?" she asked sounding tense. I shook my head before remembering to say, "No." Moscow ran a hand through her hair. "Must be my imagination..." she muttered as we continued down the beach. After another few minutes of silence, I heard the noise she was talking about: footsteps. Light and barely a regular human's ears. I whirled around to face the person approaching us. "It's h-him..." I whispered to Moscow, who turned to face the same direction I was. "Is it who we thought it was?" she asked. "J-ja..." I said nervously. How were Moscow and I supposed to beat him if London, Beijing, and D.C. hadn't when they were all together?!
      I felt something take my hand. Looking down, I saw Moscow's hand holding my own. "We shall beat him." she said confidently. "As long as we don't give up hope." I smiled. "She's right..." West said surprising me that he actually agreed with someone for once..wait...WEST! That was it! I could defeat him...or at least wound him if I let West out. I quickly whispered the plan to Moscow who agreed. Holding her hand tightly, we both faced the nation coming closer to us. "We shall not lose this time!" I snarled as West took complete control of my body. The nation just chuckled. "That's what you think little Berlin~" he said smiling a bit to big for my taste. "Let's kill him...after what he did to Germany and all our other allies." I thought and West chuckled in agreement.
      Moscow and I didn't let go of each other's hands the entire fight. And we never gave up hope. Even to the end.

~With zhe other's~

No one's POV:

      Prussia was pacing back and forth while Russia was looking out the window hoping to see his capital coming back. It had been almost three hours since they had left and there was no sign of them. Just when they were about to send out a search party, the door slammed open and England, America, and Japan ran in. All three were hurt pretty badly. "What happened?" Russia asked russian (see what I did there? Sorry bad pun...) over to Japan's side. "We were attacked..." England said shakily. "Did jou see who it vas?" Prussia asked. England shook his head. "No...they had a white mask on." he said earning a confused look from America. "White? The one that attacked me had a green mask." he said. "That's weird..." Japan muttered before speaking up slightly, "The one that attacked me had a red mask on.." All eyes widened. "'s not possible...zhey're dead.." France said thinking about his Italian brother. "But we thought America and China were dead..and well they aren't.." England pointed out. "Yes, but we planned it that way dude!" America said earning odd looks. "Werr....who says they didn't pran it either...." Japan said quietly causing everyone to fall into complete silence.
       Finally, Russia broke that silence. "Come on little brother, let's get you patched up, Da?" he said leading Japan into the next room. Everyone else just stayed where they were for a few more moments before Prussia asked, "Did any of you see Berlin or Moscow?" England and America looked at each other sadly and nodded. "Yes...we found them just as the attacker was retreating. Whoever he or she is, will be targeting countries next..." England said. "We need to catch them soon...before all of us die."

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