Chapter 14

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Russia's POV:

      The others had gone to Canada trying to secure an important base. Right now it was just me and Japan at our base. He was still recovering from the bombings. I looked over at him a small smile on my face. "Little brother? How are you feeling?" I asked as he started to wake up. He sat up rubbing his eyes before he answered, "Much better big brother...."
      It felt so good to be called big brother by someone other than my scary little sister, Belarus. "That is good, Da~ Would you like something to eat?" I asked and he nodded his head. I got up and skipped into the kitchen. As I looked around for the ingredients I needed to make sushi,(Japan taught me how.) I couldn't help but wonder when this war would end...and how many more of us would die. I also had the feeling I was being watched, but I shrugged it off. "Probably Belarus," I thought as I laid everything out. I started humming as I prepared the sushi.
      Suddenly, a loud crash sounded from the living room causing me to drop the box of rice I had in my hand, the contents spilling every where. "J-Japan?" I asked quickly walking to the door, but I didn't even make it to the door when a bine chilling scream sounded throughout the house. I slammed the door open only to come face to face with a gun. And the person holding the gun was no other then America. "Hey Commie. Did ya miss me?" he asked smirking.

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