Chapter 13

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London's POV:

      I didn't know how much longer the Capitalia would last. We only had a few members left. Japan was still unconscious and England had gotten really sick lately. Russia wouldn't leave Japan's side while his capital grew more and more distant from us. I sighed as I walked down the path outside Russia's house, the wind gently blowing my blonde hair. I hoped we didn't lose any one else. We had already lost Hungary, Germany, Italy, and their 2Ps. Yeah the Allies lost more, but they have more people. "London! LONDON!" a voice shouted. I turned around to see Rome running toward me. "What is it?" I snapped. Rome stopped in front of me catching his breath. "It's....England....they are...bombing him..." he said between gasp. My eyes widened in horror and I took off toward the house. How did I not know he was getting bombed? Was it because he is really the UK and my city wasn't getting bombed?
      As I ran it started raining....really hard. "Stupid rain...." I thought. I continued running as the rain came down harder making it hard to see. I ended up slipping and falling and that's when I felt pain explode through my body. "He was keeping the pain from me..." I thought as tears filled my eyes. "ENGLAND!" I screamed as I stood up and stumbled down the path toward the house. My vision started to get blurry as I used more of my energy to heal him and keep him alive. I tripped and fell again hitting my head on the stone path causing my vision to go black.

~Flashback/ Dream~

      "Hey Londie what are you doing?" a boy with fiery red hair asked walking over to a small girl with blonde hair. "None of your business a**hole." she snapped. "Yesh Londie..acting boyish as usual," the boy teased. "Leave her alone, Edinburgh," a girl with the same red hair said.
      "Don't call me that!" London snarled. The girl, Dublin, sighed and rang her hand through her hair. "Why do you have to make everything difficult?" she asked the young blonde. London rolled her eyes and ignored her two siblings. "Must be puberty or something.." Edinburgh said. Dublin snickered as London's face turned bright red. "S-shut up jerk!" London said hitting Edinburgh, who just laughed. "Now, now, that's enough you two," Dublin said pushing her siblings apart. "Why don't we go eat?" London nodded her head vigorously and held her older siblings hands as they walked off to their house.

~End of Flashback~

      I groaned opening my eyes. A bright light made me shut my eyes again. "London? Are you okay?" a familiar voice asked. I slowly opened my eyes again letting them adjust to the light. "E..gland?" I asked my voice sounding like I hadn't used it in a while. "Yeah it's me.." I heard him say as I felt his arms wrap around me in a hug. "You were very strong...if it weren't for you I would be dead." I smiled weakly. "See Dublin, Edinburgh? I did it...I kept my country alive..." I thought leaning against England's embrace. The United Kingdom of Great Britain wasn't going to die anytime soon, and I was going to make sure of that.

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