Chapter 8

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A/N: Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 are going to be two part chapters. One with the capitals and one with the countries while the capitals are in the 2P world.

With the capitals:

"Why does this place have to smell so bad!" Venice complained. "And why do you have to whine about everything?" Tokyo snapped as he walked up another hill ducking under some tree branches. Venice glared at him and opened her mouth to say something when London cut in. "Will both of you shut up? We don't have time to fight! We have to find the 2Ps!" she growled. Venice and Tokyo both apologized before glaring at each other again. "Your hopeless.." London mumbled walking ahead of them followed by Berlin. "The 2Ps should be having a world meeting today at Mr. Oliver's house," Moscow said walking behind them. "Then that's were we go!" Tokyo cried running ahead of them all. "TOKYO!" a voice cried and Tokyo let out a shriek of surprise as he stumbled and fell to the ground. When he hit the ground his vision blacked out.

~Flashback during WW2~

"Tokyo! What are you doing?!" Berlin snarled storming over to the sleeping capital. "Well? WAKE THE HELL UP!" Tokyo's eyes shot open and he sat up. "Oh..sorry Berlin..I've just been really tired lately." Berlin rolled his eyes and dragged Tokyo to his feet. "I don't care," he snarled red eyes glowing in anger, "You still need to train. Even Italy is stronger than you Tokyo. Italy! Now get out there and train!" Tokyo ran away from Berlin faster than Italy ran away from England. "I have to prove to them I'm strong.." Tokyo thought running faster. "You know your not so why do you even try?" the voice in his head said. "Kyoto shut up..." Tokyo thought running even faster. "I'm the capital aren't."
~Flashback Ends~

"T-Tokyo a-are y-you a-alright?" Berlin asked as Tokyo's eyes slowly opened. "Gah! Get away from me you little freak!" Tokyo shouted standing up. Venice glared at him and pulled Berlin away from Tokyo. "You leave Berlin alone!" she snarled. Tokyo opened his mouth to say something else when Moscow interrupted him. "Hey guys! I found the 2Ps!" Tokyo, Venice, and Berlin quickly ran over to where Moscow and London were standing. "They are down there," London said pointed to a training field. "Well what are we waiting for let's go!" Tokyo shouted running down the slope. "Your an idiot..." Venice muttered following him quickly.
When they reached the bottom the 2ps stopped their training and whirled around weapons at the ready. "Tokyo?!" Kuro asked when he saw who it was. "Yeah it's me hot shot." Tokyo said smirking. "What's wrong poppets?" Oliver asked cutting off anything Kuro was going to say. "World War three." Moscow said simply. "What?!" all the 2Ps yelled. "You heard me. World War three has started and we need your help." Moscow said. Luciano sighed twirling a knife in his hand. "Well who is on who's side?" he asked. "We have the Allies: America, Austria, N. Korea, Canada, France, and was China. Then you have us the Capitalia: Russia, Japan, England, Germany, Italy, Prussia, and was Hungary." Moscow explained keeping an eye on Luciano's knife. The 2Ps were quiet for a minute before Luciano finally spoke, "I don't see why not. We could use some action in our lives." The others nodded in agreement. "Then let's head back!" Tokyo said. "You're making a mistake Tokyo..." Kyoto's voice rang in his head. Tokyo just shook his head and said, "So who's going first?"

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