Season 1 | Chapter 2 | Can you handle it?

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Season 1 | Chapter 2 | Can you handle it?

New Character Profile:

New Character Profile:

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Name: Kim Doyoung

Position: Accountant

Relaxes by:

- Making microwave Huo Guo (Hot Pot)


- Getting work done

- Listening to the stereo


- Co-workers goofing off (sleeping & drawing on the office whiteboard)

- Air Conditioner

Strengths & Weaknesses

- Financial expert, sucks at arts.

Technical Task: Average

Financial Task: Outstanding

Art Task: Poor

Writing Task: Average

Episode Description:

- Doyoung's a financial god... and a stress case! Gotta keep him chill, but will the tasks get done?




Haseul: Well, yesterday wasn't so bad for a first day job! I think I'm getting the hang of it...

Jaehyun enters the office overhearing Haseul talking to herself

Haseul: It's all kinda strange though. Jaehyun has this whole place to himself? He seems nice, even if he's a bit...

Jaehyun: A bit confident? A bit sophisticated... with just a hint of mystery and danger?

Haseul: Oh!?!?!

Jaehyun: Top of the morning, sunshine! You got a habit of talking alone huh?

Haseul: Well... only when I'm trying to figure something out, rally.

Jaehyun: Anyway... I thought I should inform you... Doyoung's back in the office today.

Haseul: Doyoung?

Jaehyun: He's the office's accountant. Real whiz with numbers, so you can give him any financial tasks that come in, instead of making me do them lol!

Jaehyun: But he's a little, well...

A wild Doyoung appears out of nowhere

Doyoung: Oh god. Oh my. What the fuck is going on? Where's everyone?

Jaehyun: Hi Doyoungie! Have you forgotten that most of them is still gone for the holidays?

Doyoung: Oh. Jaehyun.

Doyoung: Please don't call me Doyoungie... I asked you not to call me that. Who's this stranger...? Where's Jungeun? Where's Jungeun!?

Haseul: Jungeun?

Jaehyun: Jungeun didn't get the job oddly enough... this stranger is our new office manager, haseul!

Doyoung: What? This is extremely worrying!

Doyoung: Do you fucking know what you're doing, miss? As well as Jungeun? Can you handle it?

Haseul: Well... of course I can! I just take the documents and I...

Doyoung: Oh... oh! The documents! The tasks! You'll have to be quick as a lightning about that... there's so much work we need to finish.

Doyoung: I know there are tasks left over from before holidays! I'll be at my desk, waiting for them. WAITING.

Doyoung left and Haseul worriedly talks about him with Jaehyun.

Jaehyun: See what I mean?

Haseul: Yeah, he's a little...

Jaehyun: Frivolous? Anxious? A total basketcase?

Haseul: Oh dear... I'm worried about him!

Jaehyun: Oh, don't be. He loves being at work.

Jaehyun: I'm gonna rest for a bit, OK? I was out late last night and I need some more, you know...

Haseul: More coffee??

Jaehyun: Some more beauty sleep!

Doyoung: Augh! I hate it when he just... just slacks off like that! It drives me nuts!

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