Season 4 | Chapter 26 | Boys Just Wanna Have Fun

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Episode Description:

- After a series of bad dates, Vivi's fed up with slacker men, while Kim Lip is just fed up in general!




Haseul: Lip?

Haseul: I've been looking over the workload projections you made for Project LIP for the upcoming week...

Kim Lip: Oh, have you now?

Haseul: Yes, and now that Sicheng's left I think we might need to...

Kim Lip: Oh, I'd say you have more important things to worry about. I asked you to restrict the budget on those frivolous snacks!

Haseul: But we did, we haven't been spending that much on...

Kim Lip: I know you've been sneaking those diet sodas and brownies that you like!

Haseul: But I...

Kim Lip: (Freaking out) No more of that, missy!

Kim Lip: And don't think I won't be watching you.

Jaehyun arrived less than a minute before office hours starts with Renjun

Jaehyun: I'm telling you, I definitely caught something from Winwin.

Renjun: He's a hypochondriac! The only thing you could catch from him is fleas.

Jaehyun: This budget crunch on snacks has lowered my blood sugar. Maybe a warm, tasty cinnabon will boost my immune system...

Jaehyun: Wait a second, is it feed a cold or feed a fever?

Renjun: I find it hard to believe that a sugary snack will cure what ails you.

Jaehyun: Then why do I feel so tired... like I need to take a nap?

Renjun: Oh yeah... I can't imagine ANY reason YOU might want to take a nap.

Jaehyun: Maybe I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome...

Renjun: Yeah, and I have Acute Videogamitis. I might even be able to beat my high score at it today.

Renjun: Lip's got some crazy scheme to outsource a lot of our technical workloads. It'll never work, but it means I don't have much to do.

Kim Lip: I heard that, Renjun!

Kim Lip: Don't worry, we'll find SOMETHING for you to do around here!

Renjun: Me and my big mouth... now I'll never get a moment of peace.

Vivi: Men! I can't believe them. All of them, they're all scum!

Haseul: Oh, Vivi... Can I ask you for a favor?

Vivi: Can you believe those two? They never want to work, they just want to play all day, like overgrown boys!

Haseul: Who... Jaehyun and Renjun?

Vivi: Yes! They're even worse than Yukhei and Kunhang.

Haseul: Um... are these all guys you've dated recently?

Vivi: Augh! Don't remind me! This week has been terrible!

Haseul: What, all of them this week?

Vivi: Well, the last couple days. I was really hungry on Thursday so I had dinner with Yukhei and then dinner with Kunhang.

Haseul: Well, I guess a girl's gotta eat!

Vivi: I know! The Atkins diet makes me famished. I could eat two or three steaks right now!

Haseul: Wow... Well, I wish I could offer you some snacks, but...

Vivi: Just keep those deadbeats working for a change! All of those... MEN.

Vivi: They all claim to be investment bankers and lawyers, but none of them would buy me that new watch from Tiffany's I wanted!

Vivi: Can you imagine? I had to phone Daddy to raise my limit on my K-CASH.

Haseul: (Sarcastically) Oh, the horror! The horror!

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