Season 5 | Chapter 30 | Baleful Boards and Budgets

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Episode Description:

- Renjun and Haseul discover that not all is well in the higher echelons of the corporation...




Jaehyun: So... Ms. Yves. Can I call you Sooyoung?

Yves: Huh?

Jaehyun: So, you're a CEO, huh? That sounds so... enchanting.

Yves: Yeah, sure Enchanting. Where did I put that file?

Jaehyun: And I really admire women who keep themselves fit. I work out myself too, you know!

Yves: That's great, go with that, kiddo. Hmm. Woojae, right? Can you get me another choco-cafficino, please?

Jaehyun: Sure thing... boss. It's Jaehyun by the way.




Haseul: Can you believe it? Jaehyun is even hitting on your sister!

Renjun: I'm far too cynical not to believe something horrifying like that.

Haseul: By the way, have you seen Vivi? She hasn't come in yet.

Renjun: Hmm, I haven't. But we have bigger problems than the disappearance of the ditzy debutante.

Haseul: Bigger problems?

Renjun: Check your e-mail. I just forwarded you a memo...




Haseul: This is from the Board of Directors to Yves! Renjun, how did you...?

Renjun: I have my ways. The less you know about them, the better.

Haseul: Let's see... It's the end of the fiscal year and they're demanding... That more work completed to compensate for the budget overages?

Renjun: Apparently, she hasn't been keeping a close enough eye on the books. Or keeping an eye on her e-mail. I doubt she's even read this. The girl's got something like nine hundred unread e-mails!

Haseul: 'We're very disappointed to hear that you fired your personal staff again. If you can't keep the budget under control and delegate your responsibilities to a team, we will have to take drastic action.'

Haseul: Drastic action? What does that mean?

Renjun: It means they'll try to get rid of her. They don't like her anyway! They're all cronies of Jiwoo, and never believed that she could take the reins.

Renjun: Cigar-smoking bigots...

Haseul: Well, we're going to have to help her prove them wrong.

Renjun: Really? How on earth are you going to get her out of this fix? They're demanding to see positive cash flow on a regular basis!

Haseul: By doing what I do best... running this office! Don't forget, I'm in charge of the budget here too. I can make sure we're in the black.

Renjun: If you say so... hmm. I just think you might be able to pull it off.

Renjun: Don't tell Sooyoung I was intercepting her e-mail. She's my big sister, but I have to keep an eye out for her, you know? I love her, but she's almost TOO responsible. She turns into a walking stress-bomb on a regular basis, and can't even see the forest for the trees! And this whole crisis is a good example...

Haseul: Ok. I mean, I don't like keeping secrets, but...

Renjun: It would just stress her out even more, and we can't afford that.

Haseul: I hope you're right about all this.

Renjun: Likewise, kiddo. Likewise.

Haseul:Kiddo? Hmm... I guess it runs in the family.

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