Season 3 | Chapter 19 | Stress Test

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Episode Description:

- Jaehyun's back with one thing on his mind... and it's not all the work that needs doing!




Vivi: Oh my god. You would not believe this guy.

Vivi: He said he was a lawyer, but then I find out he's only passed the bar in South Dakota!

Vivi: Practicing law in South Dakota!? That's not a classy kind of lawyer!!

Kim Lip: You poor dear. Men are such liars! I know. I dated like three of those.

Vivi: That's not the worst of it.

Vivi: I stormed out of the restaurant in a huff, and bumped into some White cab driver type outside! That creep wouldn't stop hitting on me. He followed me for a block!

The sound of the elevator was heard as everyone was having their conversations.

Jaehyun: Hello, my admirers and friends!

Jaehyun: Yoon Oh...

Jaehyun: ...has returned!

Haseul: Oh, jaehyun, I'm so glad you're back!

Winwin: Dude... why do you have like... three names?

Haseul: Renjun's taken off, he refuses to work in the same office as Taeyong, and...

Vivi: Oh my god!!

Vivi: That's the guy, he must have stalked me into the office! Someone call the police before I faint!

Kim Lip: He works here, dear.

Jaehyun: Ah, my sweet, I remember you all too fondly as well!

Jaehyun: How could I not, such an enchanting pearl? Surely, the oyster from which you come was not of this Earth!

Vivi: (In a very disgusted face) Uh... Did you just call my mother an alien shellfish?

Vivi: She winters in the Azores, I'll have you know!

Jaehyun: You must allow me the pleasure of showing you around the office.

Vivi: Wow. The huge loser from the sidewalk happens to work here in this loser office... I'm SO surprised.

Taeyong: Come now, people! We've got work to get done, and I want to see a ship of sailors, not a pack of effeminate gossips!

Taeyong: No offence, Jaehyun. Good soldier, lad, but that vest of yours... you get my drift.

Jaehyun: None taken, sir!

Taeyong: Now, productivity has been down...

Kim Lip: That's because you didn't let anyone do more than four tasks a day!

Taeyong: Well, regardless of 'human resources, policies such as that, we still have to get the work done...

Taeyong: ...or Sooyoung herself will tan my hide!

Jaehyun: What, like with a whip?

Taeyong: I need you to all step up the pace. Let's pull together and make it a team effort!

Taeyong: Now move along!




Kim Lip: Listen, little Miss Organized... this team can't deal with him much longer!

Haseul: But wasn't it your idea to come here?

Kim Lip: Look, we don't have time to bicker.

Kim Lip: Lee Taeyong has got to go, but you've got to keep this team from self-destructing first.

Kim Lip: Just try to keep people from getting stressed out. I hear there's a lot of work coming down the pipeline!

Haseul: Oh, man... This is not going to be easy!

The day wasn't that bad until everyone started to do their own things.

Haseul: Have you seen Vivi in sight? I think I needed to inform her about something important...

Winwin: No idea babe... I'm guessing she's been trying to ignore Jaehyun's random flirting?

Winwin: There aren't any art tasks coming anyway...

Haseul:That's the problem... her Dad was checking on her progress a while ago. But she hasn'tmade any work done yet...

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