Season 1 | Chapter 4 | Oh Yes... She Will Be Mine!

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Episode Description:

A person who wants to be alone always has a person who would bother you out of your comfort zone.




Everyone seems to be doing something in the office while it's still a few minutes before office hours. Heejin can be found doodling her way in the office's whiteboard, Jaehyun and Doyoung chit chatting, while Haseul is nowhere to be found yet...

Jaehyun: This new girl, Haseul. She is an extremely vivacious short-haired. I can tell. So sassy!

Doyoung: Um... I don't think... um...

Jaehyun: But you must understand, I cannot neglect my existing commitments! I have long been in pursuit of... other prey!

Doyoung: Don't you ever think about anything besides... you know... um...

Jaehyun: Long has she eluded me, wrapped in that mysterious bright pink sweater, always at her whiteboard, drawing.

Jaehyun: But she shall be mine! Soon... we will date. I just need a little time to chat her up...

Doyoung: This convo is specifically prohibited in the Employee Handbook, I'm sure of it!

Doyoung: Aaaahhhhh!!!!

Like always, Doyoung would return to his desk with a very alarming stressed behavior, leaving Jaehyun with...

Haseul: Oh, so you're interested in Heejin?

Jaehyun: Haseul. Liebchen! My little white dove.

Haseul: Jaehyun.

Jaehyun: Don't be angry because my heart wanders...

Haseul: Jaehyun!

Haseul: I'm here to do my job, not flirt with you!

Jaehyun: But you don't understand. I am here to flirt with EVERYONE.

Haseul: Even Doyoung?

Jaehyun: The love of Jeffrey knows no boundaries!

Jaehyun: Except, well, I can't stand that foul Hot Pot. So, no.

Doyoung: Haseul, you know we have to do our jobs, right? We're going to get in trouble with all this... nonsense and slacking off!!!

Doyoung: Heejin is always drawing... those comic-book??? Anime??? Or whatever pictures of hers on the company whiteboard.

Doyoung: Sure, it's fine for her to take a break and relax that way, but...

Doyoung: Sometimes... sometimes she's not even at her desk to do those... terrifying... art tasks when they come in!

Doyoung: And Jaehyun... him! Always loafing around! Augh!! Augh, Augh!

Doyoung: You've got to get him to do some fucking work today I can't take it anymore!

Heejin: Wow. Good luck getting Jaehyun to work...

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