Season 4 | Chapter 25 | No Hippies Allowed

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Episode Description:

- Lip and Soul are determined to squash yet another pest keeping them from dominating the office.




Kim Lip: Now just calm down, I don't have enough clout yet to fire him.

Jinsoul: I don't care! It's either him or me, Lip. I am a professional expositor of poetic prose, while he is just a no-talent beatnik.

Jinsoul: I can't stand being around... around people like that!

Jinsoul: He smells, and I'm sure he's got something illegal on him.

Kim Lip: Beatnik? I thought you dubbed him as hippie? Well, you don't have any evidence, do you?

Jinsoul: Doesn't matter! How should I know anything about evidence? I'm not some... lowlife!

Kim Lip: Hmm. In any case, he's not I would call a productive employee. But we can't just fire him... that little woman made sure to get him a very secure position!

Jinsoul: She's smarter than she looks.

Kim Lip: We'll see about that.

Kim Lip: Oh Haseul!

Haseul: Hmm? Oh, Lip. What's up?

Kim Lip: I've been noticing that Winwin seems a bit... unproductive lately.

Haseul: Really? He has seemed more relaxed and mellow lately. Ever since I told him to go to that party, actually...

Kim Lip: Goodness. You really ought to restrict your advice-giving to workplace matters, don't you think? But there's no doubt about it, he's sluggish.

Haseul: Well, his health is not that great at times, but he's very good at getting writing tasks done!

Kim Lip: Are you sure about that? I think we may need to see some proof of this performance.

Kim Lip: After all, he is a relatively new addition to the team, and nobody... qualified... was involved in his hiring.

Jaehyun: So as that new lady of yours (referring to Jinsoul).

Kim Lip: Why don't you go back to your couch and...

Haseul: Fine! You'll see, he can work just as hard as anyone here!

Office hours will start in a minute.

Haseul: Oh, gosh what have I done now?

Kim Lip: Now we just sit back and watch. She'll give him plenty of tasks, and if I'm guessing right, he has other priorities.

Jinsoul: All he does is drink that Macchiato or that rancid-smelling tea of his all day.

Kim Lip: Oh, who am I kidding? I can't just watch, I want to meddle some more.

Kim Lip: Oh, Sicheng...

Jinsoul: Excellent!




Winwin: I don't know what to tell you, dude. It's been too much for me lately.

Haseul: Is this about all those tasks I gave you?

Haseul: Because... because...

Winwin: Hey, little lady, don't fret! It's not you. It's mostly those other two harpies.

Winwin: I get the feeling they want me gone!

Haseul: But Sicheng, I... You were so good to come in here and help out when I needed a favor, and...

Winwin: I know, and it was kinda fun for a while! Even crazy old Taeyong. But I don't think I'm cut out for the working world.

Winwin: I'm gonna hit the road, go to some other country... Hang out in some café... Learn traditional Chinese dances to calm my nerves...

Haseul: Sicheng?

Winwin: Huh? Oh, yeah.

Winwin: So, they won't have me to kick around anymore!

Winwin: These shoes of mine are made for walking, and I'm sorry to see you go, but it's time to jump ship.

Haseul: But I'm not going anywhere!

Winwin: Aww, you know what I mean.

Winwin: Anyway, the road's calling. Take care, sweetheart.

Every one has left... and someone left for good leaving three employees this late.

Haseul: Bye.

Jaehyun: What was that all about?

Haseul: Oh... I guess it's for the best. He wasn't happy here, being picked on.

Vivi: Who would be?

Jaehyun: For that matter, are you?

Haseul: What do you mean... Lip? She's awfully bossy, but...

Jaehyun: She's downright mean and you know it!

Haseul: I guess you're right.

Haseul: One of these days I should talk with her and find out why she's in such a bad mood all the time!




Vivi: Sometimes I think she's a little too nice for this place!

Jaehyun: I know right... we literally have been whipped for her at some point lol.


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