Season 2 | Chapter 14 | It's always the Quiet Ones... (2/2)

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Episode Description:

- Is Heejin finally standing up to Lip? Time for an office showdown!




Kim Lip: And another thing...

Kim Lip: I don't know why you think it's a good idea to... Are you listening to me, little miss office manager?

Haseul: Hmm?

Haseul: Oh, yes, I've heard every word you've said, ma'am.

Kim Lip: Well, it certainly doesn't seem like it.

Haseul: You would like it much more if everyone here worked all the time and followed procedure, and knew how to do everything as well as you, right?

Haseul: Also, we need to order a new supply of popcorn for you.

Kim Lip: Hmmph.

Kim Lip: Yes, that's all correct.

Haseul: If you're done, I really should take care of a few more tasks.

Haseul: Terribly sorry, I can't chat all day! Work to be done, you know.

Kim Lip: I suppose so, yes...

After a day of making her whiteboard masterpiece, Heejin was preparing to leave...

Kim Lip: Heejin!

Kim Lip: Heejin, dear! Wait one second before you hurry out of here like you always do.

Kim Lip: You really ought to consider staying later at the office sometimes, it shows...

Heejin: I can't. I have to get home.

Kim Lip: My, my. More backtalk, is it? You've sertainly developed an ungrateful streak.

Heejin: ...

Kim Lip: You know, you wouldn't have this job if it wasn't for me.

Heejin: So, what...?

Kim Lip: Excuse me?

Kim Lip: What did you say?

Kim Lip: You may have gotten some rebellious ideas from somewhere, missy, but you're still more of a little mouse, aren't you?

Heejin: I said...

Heejin: SO, WHAT?!

Kim Lip: Well, I never!

Heejin: You never what?

Heejin: Never respected me?

Heejin: Never cared what I thought?

Heejin: Never let me get a word in edgewise?

Kim Lip: Of all the...

Heejin: Well, I don't care what you think anymore!

Heejin: You know what? I'm talented. I'm a good artist! And this company is lucky to have me!

Heejin: You've been lucky to have me, Lip, to order around. But you know what?

Heejin: Not anymore! I have better things to do with my education, and my life!

Heejin: And thanks, unnie. You were right (motioning at Haseul).

Heejin: I don't need a Six Paths Sage Mode!

Heejin: I guess I've got my own special moves too!

Jaehyun: All right!

Jaehyun: Special moves!

Heejin left and the team wonders if she's ever going to come back...

Winwin: That was so awesome, and like... feminist.

Kim Lip: Oh, shut up, you... hippie!

Kim Lip: See what I mean Sir?

Telephone: Hmm.

Telephone: Yes, now that that's all over...

Winwin: Huh?

Haseul: The phone?

Jaehyun: She's got it on speakerphone. That would be our BOSS.

Speakerphone: Right you are, my boy.

Speakerphone: I see... or hear, rather! Your team could use a little bit of guidance.

Speakerphone: So, I'm transferring all of you down here to the central office, as of next week... under my direct supervision!

Speakerphone: See you all soon...

Speakerphone: *click*

Kim Lip: I thought he ought to hear a bit of what's been going on around here.

Kim Lip: Well, I ought to be getting home, lots of work on Monday with packing and all!

Haseul: Why, you...

Kim Lip: Hold your tongue, little miss Haseul! I know you think I'm a stickler for efficiency and strict about getting work done.

Kim Lip: But you haven't met the BOSS yet!

Kim Lip: Who do you think writes all the policy manuals?

Kim Lip: Oh, ho ho ho!

Kim Lip: You'd better be nice to me. You'll be needing my help.

Leaving the three behind, Jungeun went straight home since it's getting very late.

Haseul: Um... should I even ask what this BOSS is like?

Jaehyun: He's a strange guy. Likes things done his way. I haven't been around him much... but yeah, I think we're in for an interesting ride.

Winwin: Not to mention, now you need a new artist.

Haseul: I'm going to need a new bottle of aspirin before this is over!

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