Season 2 | Chapter 11 | Cleansing Ain't Easy

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Episode Description:

- Videogames, ailing hippies, and Lip picking on Heejin... just another day at the office!




Kim Lip: Oh Renjun!

Kim Lip: Renjun, dear!

Kim Lip: I have something very exciting to discuss with you!

Renjun who was busy with his "project" surprisingly responded without trying to maintain his position.

Renjun: Why do I not like the sound of that?

Kim Lip: Hee hee hee!

Kim Lip: Don't let me interrupt your videogame, dear.

Renjun: It was game over as soon as I heard that tone of glee in your voice.

Kim Lip: Whatever on Earth could you be talking about? Honestly. I was just coming over to tell you about some new policies relating to network maintenance and... ahem... Unauthorized computer equipment in the office.

Kim Lip: The central office has just sent over a new manual full of regulations. At my request, of course.

Renjun: Look, I really don't have time to...

Kim Lip: Oh no, no, of course not. You obviously have so many games to play.

Kim Lip: No need to fret! I can give you the details, which I'm sure you'll need to know in order to avoid breaking the rules.

Kim Lip: You wouldn't want to get in trouble, would you?

Renjun: I suppose not.

Kim Lip: I'll just be in the pantry making popcorn. Let me know when you're ready and we'll have a little chat in the meeting room.

Jaehyun with Renjun went to where Haseul was standing.

Renjun: Looks like I'm not going to beat level 27 anytime soon.

Renjun: I hope she chokes on a kernel of her beloved popcorn.

Jaehyun: Ouch! So bitter, my friend. The ladies do not find that attractive!

Renjun: Unlike you, being the number one player in the company is not my life's goal.

Jaehyun: All the better for me!

Jaehyun: Say, what do you think of this new guy, Winwin?

Renjun: Seems all right. I was surprised when he spoke to me in another language that we both speak and understand.

Winwin, who was being talked about came out of the comfort room with a very unwell look...

Winwin: Ohhhh... I still don't feel so good.

Jaehyun: That's the third time today he's been there.

Haseul: Sicheng's not feeling well?

Jaehyun: He's certainly not what I would call 'in good health.'

Haseul: Oh, dear.

Renjun: How do you know that guy anyway? Is he a friend of yours?

Haseul: Well yes, sort of. He's my college roommate's friend.

Jaehyun: So, he's a friend of a friend.

Haseul: Well technically, he's her friend's brother's ex-girlfriend's next-door neighbor. I just get along with him so well back then.

Winwin: What year is it? What year?

Renjun: It's 2019, dude.

Winwin: That must be it. I always get these throbbing stomach pains during years ending in nine. Or eight. Or seven, now that I think about it.

Winwin: My health is totally out of balance, man.

Haseul: Are you going to be all right?

Winwin: Sure, babe, as long as I can...

Winwin: (Enters the comfort room for the nth time) Ohhhh!

Renjun:Just when I thought we'd found someone normal to work here!

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