Season 5 | Chapter 32 | Down with Delegation!

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Episode Description:

- CEO Syndrome strikes! Yves can't handle working as a part of a team anymore.




Haseul: All right, even though Vivi's left the team, everyone's hard at work, so...

Yves: No, no. That's why I needed to talk to you. That's exactly the problem!

Haseul: Um... what?

Yves: I respect everyone's abilities here, but this is sensitive high-level executive work! Frankly, there's a lot of stuff that demands my attention, and my attention alone!

Haseul: But... didn't you say you wanted to distribute tasks?

Yves: (Getting out of her mind) I can only delegate when it's appropriate to delegate! Having everyone's clammy hands all over these projects... fuck, I can't handle it anymore!

Yves: Phew, sorry. I'm a little bit stressed out.

Haseul: You don't say.

Yves: It's hard for me to let go of some of this stuff, you know? I'll tell you what, give me at least a day to get some stuff sorted out, alone.

Haseul: What, you don't want anyone to work?

Yves: Augh, you people! Isn't it enough that I pay you? I'll even try to put up with people hanging around here and sleeping or playing music, as much as it annoys me.

Haseul: Oh... okay, I guess!

Yves: Thanks! I better get back to work (proceeds to her treadmill).





Renjun: Much as I hate to admit it, SHE's RIGHT.

Jinsoul: She can't bring us in here, experts in our field, and then try to maintain such tight control of the accounting workflow!

Renjun: Or the technical tasks. I shudder to think...

Haseul: But guys... she really is pretty good at all of that.

Jinsoul: A jack of all trades and a master on none, is what you mean! And we have systems to keep these things running efficiently! We can't have her running around like a loose cannon.

Renjun: It's pretty typical 'CEO Syndrome.'

Haseul: OK, OK... I'll see what we can do! Just give me at least a day...

Renjun: Look, you can just give a bunch of those tasks to me especially those technical tasks. I guess I must let myself do a lot of those art tasks as well... But only for today! Just don't let Sooyoung explode.

Jinsoul: Well then, leave those financial and writing tasks to my desk!

Haseul: Gosh... I'm used to people goofing off and letting others do their work. But you guys are the exact opposite!




Haseul: Jaehyun... what are you doing over here?

Jaehyun: Working.

Haseul: Wow... you really are!

Jaehyun: Not like I have anything better to do... and Vivi left behind lots of art tasks.

Haseul: Wait a second... art tasks? What's wrong? Usually you're so eager to go and take a nap, or hang out and chat, or something...

Jaehyun: Alas, that was the old me. I've finally run out!

Haseul: Run out? Of what?

Jaehyun: Of lovely co-workers to bestow the gift of my mellifluous words upon! I've been rejected by every last person in this company now, I think! And so, the futile journey of Jaehyun... comes to an end.

Haseul: Huh? I never rejected you.

Jaehyun: Really? You said you weren't here to flirt with me...

Haseul: That's not a rejection, silly! I just want to make sure we get work done...

Jaehyun: Well, then! I'm still in business! Meet me at lunch time cutie!




Haseul:Phew, he's back to normal! I guess I'm relieved...

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