Season 2 | Chapter 12 | Lip Strikes Back

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Episode Description:

- Heejin can't get a moment's peace. Jaehyun hitting on her, and Lip's just mean!




Jaehyun: So how are you feeling today, my friend?

Winwin: Better. A little better. It's all thanks to Chinese herbal medicine!

Jaehyun: Really? That stuff always tastes like grass clippings to me.

Winwin: Exactly! My body is a delicate instrument, much like a lawnmower.

Winwin: I have to keep it finely tuned... not too much yin, not too much yang!

Jaehyun: What will you fable in next, t'ai chi gardening?

Winwin: Hey, good idea, man!

Winwin: But for right now, I'm just going to fast and drink this caramel macchiato from the office's cafeteria my friend told me... Where is he anyway?

Jaehyun: You mean Renjun? I think he's demanded by other branches... he's sick of Lip's all-day lectures anyway.

Winwin: This office's cafeteria and store literally has the best products!

Jaehyun: Are you sure that's not just going to make you worse?

Jaehyun: It sounds like it would eat out your insides. And it's powdered.

Winwin proceeds to the water dispenser and started making his beverage. Haseul then comes a little later than the others. Heejin's on the couch, sitting...

Winwin: Ahhh... that's the stuff.

Winwin: Burns going down.

Winwin: That's the healing power.

Haseul: Good morning, Heejin! How are you today?

Heejin: ...

Haseul: Oh, all right.

Haseul: Lip was really chewing your ear off the other day, huh?

Heejin: Please...

Hasul: Yes? Just let me know if there's anything I can do!

Heejin: Please just... leave me alone?

Haseul: Oh...

Haseul: Oh, all right.

Haseul then walks away...

Heejin: I just... want to be alone.

Kim Lip: Heejin!

Kim Lip: Heejin, I need to talk to you when you have a moment, dear. You need to organize your work more efficiently.

Heejin: Oh...

Jaehyun: Heekie, my delicate orchid. Don't listen to that shrew! Come and talk to me instead, and I'll tell you fabulous tales... about the three and a half star French restaurant I'll take you to on our date!

Heejin: Jaehyun...

Jaehyun: Yes, my sweet?

Heejin: Go away.

Jaehyun: (With a slightly disappointed look) Um... I must fly for now, but only to await our next rendezvous!

He then proceeds to walk away as well...

Haseul: I guess now is not a good time...

Jaehyun: Good time for what?

Haseul: There are a lot of art tasks coming in!

Haseul: And I was going to warn Heejin... but I don't think I can give her bad news when she's so down!

Jaehyun: What a waste of her beauty it is to see her sitting there so alone. I can hardly bear it.

Jaehyun: Renjun had the right idea, heading off to take care of some tech support problem downtown on a day like this!

Haseul: Oh dear, we'd better get to work!

Jaehyun: Ah, the heartache of middle management!




Office hours ended and Lip had important errands to run at home, leaving the team as early as possible.

Winwin: So, are you in?

Jaehyun: I'm not sure Tibetan nasal massage is really my thing. I'm not sure it even IS a thing.

Jaehyun: But answer me this... will it minimize my pores?

Winwin: It increases the oxygen flow to the brain, man!

Winwin: Perfect for wounds of the body, or the mind.

Jaehyun: In that case, perhaps you should ask Heejin... her petals are wilting lately!

Haseul: Actually guys, I think she'd prefer to be alone...

Winwin: Ah, the oneness of solitude...

Jaehun: The beauty of a lonesome rose!

Haseul: With you two around it's more like the loneliness of meaningless!

Haseul: ...

Heejin: Unnie?

Haseul: I'm right here!

Heejin: I'm so tired...

Haseul: Oh, honey, I know... You've been working so hard, and it seems like everyone wants a piece of your time.

Haseul: You've hardly had any time for your drawing, right?

Heejin felt the need to let her emotions out, and stood from the couch she's sitting on...

Heejin: I don't even know if I CAN draw anymore!

Haseul: Oh, sweetie!

Haseul: Don't say such things, of course you can still draw!

Heejin: I... I...

Haseul: It'll be okay, I promise.

Heejin: I'm just so...

Heejin: ... mothafuckin ANGRY!!

Haseul: Oh, my!

Heejin: Who does that witch think she is? She can't order me around like her slave!

Heejin: I went to art school for three years!

Heejin: Did you know that this team has another artist other than me?!?!

Heejin: He never said a thing because he was busy doing all other shits and being the technical whiz he is!

Heejin: Lip probably made Renjun do those stuff on purpose rather than letting him do tasks which involves art!

Heejin: I don't want to end up being like him...

Heejin: He got his degree so it's pretty much easy for him!

Heejin: I got this job because I'm talented!!

Heejin: Or probably because he doesn't want to do any of those tasks that's why the company...

Haseul: Heejin you're right.

Heejin: I... I am?

Heejin: I mean...

Heejin: I didn't mean to get carried away.

Haseul: No, honey, that was exactly right. You need to remember those things, and stand up for yourself if someone's picking on you.

Haseul: I mean... I'm sorry, I try to help... but it's so busy around here, and Lip is so...

Heejin: No, unnie. You're the one who's right now.

Haseul: Yeah?

Heejin: Yeah. Let's go.

Haseul: Oh no, it's late!

Haseul: You've probably missed Naruto Shippūden!

Heejin:Don't worry, it was a rerun anyway!

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