Season 2 | Chapter 9 | The Pen's Mightier...?

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Episode Description:

- What are these unfamiliar tasks? And why is Kim Lip insisting that Heejin do them?




Haseul: Contents? Publications...? Oh dear...

Haseul: Renjun?

Haseul: Renjun, do you have a second?

Renjun: You've already used up three seconds. I'm busy with this project.

Haseul thought weirdly as to how Renjun answers. She went to where he was and surprisingly saw...

Haseul: Is that a video game machine?

Renjun: I need something to get my attention away from Lip's constant nagging while I'm over here. I already installed them in all the offices. Strictly for stress-reduction purposes, you know.

Haseul: Oh... yes, I'm sure that's fine.

Haseul: Um... what do I do with tasks which involves stuffs like... publications?

Kim Lip: (Straight from the elevator) Silly byeotch! I suppose you can't be expected to know such things. It's a writing task.

Haseul: Oh, I see... Who does the writing?

Kim Lip: Well, our team doesn't have a writer as of now, but we can certainly make do with our staff.

Haseul: But the central office called and asked if we could handle two batches of these, and I said...

Kim Lip: What? You told them yes?!

Renjun: Hoo boy...

Haseul: Well, it's only two batches, right?

Kim Lip: Two batches are dozens and dozens of tasks, child! And we're still short one employee.

Jaehyun: Plus, there's no way I can do that kind of shit. It's my least favorite, really can't stand them.

Haseul: But I thought art tasks were your least favorite?

Jaehyun: They're both my least favorite! And you know how I feel about financial tasks, so...

Haseul: Then that must mean you like technical tasks, right?

Jaehyun: Oh sure, but Renjun would get mad if I did those.

Jaehyun: Right, buddy?

Renjun: Leave me out of this! (Returns to his desk)

Kim Lip: Stop flirting, you two! It's unseemly, and we have loads to do...

Kim Lip: Heejin! Come over here. Chop chop, move those little legs!

Heejin, busy with her doodling stuffs in the white board, gave her attention to Lip who was calling her.

Heejin: Um... I have some... stuff to do...

Kim Lip: Oh child, I'm not going to bite you! You're a creative type, right?

Kim Lip: That's why we hired you. So surely you can handle some writing too.

Heejin: But I... I mostly draw...

Kim Lip: Hm. Your skill sets could use some expanding.

Kim Lip: Unnie, give the writing tasks to Heejin. I'll help her out if she can't handle it all, but there's no use in coddling everyone.

Jaehyun: I could surely use a healthy dose of coddling!

Heejin: But Jaehyun... he could do it better than... Oh, never mind.

Kim Lip: Don't be ridiculous. English isn't even his first language! You can't expect him to write in it.

Haseul: What? He speaks English perfectly!

Renjun: That's probably because he spent four years in America and has a graduate degree in English Literature from Harvard!!

Jaehyun: No, no, very sorry Miss, my English not so good, many pardons.

Kim Lip: We're not going to waste valuable company time arguing about this. Heekie, you'll learn a new marketable skill.

Heejin: But I don't want to... market...

Kim Lip: Unnie, take care of that task, don't just stand there like a wet kitten!

Kim Lip: Jaehyun... go relax on the couch dear, it will all be fine. Don't let these coarse rubes make fun of your English abilities.

Kim Lip: I'll be at my desk if you need me. Oh, and Renjun!

Renjun: What?! Can't you see I'm trying to work?

Kim Lip: We need to have a little chat! You haven't briefed me on the hardware upgrades.

Renjun: Briefed you? DO you really need to know about... Oh, fine, whatever!

Heejin (Heading to her desk mumbling): I just wanted to finish my new drawing today...

Jaehyun: Look, don't give Heekie all the writing taks. She'll wilt, like the delicate flower she is!

Haseul: So, I can give you some?

Jaehyun: Well, maybe one. Just one. And don't tell anyone else I said that, I have a reputation to preserve!

Haseul: Honestly, that girl shouldn't be talking about coddling, all she tells you to do is sit on the couch!

Jaehyun: I need rest to fulfill my most important duty!

Haseul: Which is...?

Jaehyun: Beautifying this drab workplace with myradiant presence, of course!

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